November 18, 2002, Richmond
Electronic Communications
and FOIA
The Freedom of Information
Advisory Council began its meeting with a discussion of the
FOIA suit filed in Fredericksburg against five members of
the Fredericksburg City Council alleging that they held 16
illegal electronic meetings via email and three illegal face-to-face
meetings. The defendants include the mayor and vice-mayor
of the City Council, as well as three newly elected City Council
members who did not take office until July 1, 2002. The suit
asks the court to prohibit the members from holding future
email and private meetings and asks for penalties of $43,500
each to be imposed on three of the defendants and $41,000
each on the other two defendants.
The defendants filed
demurrers, arguing that use of email does not constitute
a meeting under FOIA and that the majority of the e-mails
in question were sent before three of the defendants took
office. The judge dismissed nine of the counts of the complaints
involving e-mails sent before July 1, 2002, on the grounds
that the members-elect were not members of the public body
before this date, and set a trial for December 13, 2002 to
hear the remaining counts.
The suit in Fredericksburg
will allow a court to address, for the first time, the gray
area of electronic communications and when electronic correspondence
may cross the line and become a meeting for purposes of FOIA.
The law is clear that an email is a public record under FOIA,
but does not directly address the use of email in a meetings
context. The law does prohibit electronic meetings, except
as specifically allowed in §§ 2.2-3708 and 2.2-3709. However,
it is unclear as to whether the use of email constitutes
an electronic meeting when messages are exchanged among three
or more members of a public body. FOIA does contemplate the
use of email by public officials by affirmatively stating
that email may be used to separately contact the membership
to ascertain a member's position with respect to the transaction
of public business. This position is echoed in the opinion
of the Attorney General cited above.
Until a line is
established by the courts or the legislature as to whether
electronic communications can cross the line between correspondence
and a meeting, one might best heed the policy of FOIA that
the law is written to ensure that public bodies deliberate
in public. If a member of a public body is questioning whether
an electronic communication might lead to the deliberation
of public business by three or more members of that public
body, then that communication should probably be saved for
a public meeting.
The Office of the
Attorney General has addressed the question of whether subsection
A of § 2.2-3708 would prohibit an elected member of a local
governing body from sending email communications to three
or more other members of the governing body. The Attorney
General opined that while this section did prohibit a local
governing body from conducting a meeting unless the members
were physically assembled, it did not prohibit all forms of
communication among the members when the body was not physically
assembled. The opinion referred to subsection B of § 2.2-3710,
which allows the membership to separately contact one another
to ascertain a member's position with respect to the transaction
of public business, to illustrate that members may communicate
outside of a meeting.
Sending an email
is the electronic transmission of correspondence over communication
networks and does not constitute conducting a meeting. Thus,
the Attorney General concluded that the electronic meetings
provision of FOIA did not prohibit a member of a governing
body from sending a message, even to multiple recipients at
the same time. The underlying theme of the opinion seems to
rest on the fact that the use of email does not result in
the simultaneous communication that occurs when members are
sitting together physically. The opinion did note in footnote
seven, however, that "[t]his is not to say that, in a particular
factual setting, communicating through electronic mail could
not violate some other provision of The Virginia Freedom of
Information Act or conflict with the policy of the Act."
The council continued
to monitor the progress of the two subcommittees created by
the council to study (i) the apparent conflict between FOIA
and the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA) and (ii) HB
900, referred by the 2002 Session of the General Assembly
to the council.
VPPA and FOIA Subcommittee
The subcommittee
studying FOIA and the Virginia Public Procurement Act met
again with several representatives of state and local government
and the media concerning the issues assigned to the subcommittee.
After the first
meeting, a draft was circulated that would have amended the
meeting exemption subdivision A6 of § 2.2-3711 to include
contract discussions and negotiations, for so long as an open
meeting would adversely affect either party in the negotiating
process. The exemption currently only covers discussions of
the investing of public funds where competition or bargaining
is involved, where, if made public initially, the financial
interest of the governmental unit would be adversely affected.
Concerns were raised
that the proposed exemption was too broad, and participants
agreed that instead of trying to amend an existing exemption,
a new exemption should be created.
After discussion,
the subcommittee agreed that an exemption A30 should be added
to § 2.2-3711 that would exempt "discussion of the award of
a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds,
including interviews of bidders or offerors, and discussion
of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in
an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position
or negotiating strategy of the public body."
In addition to exemption
discussions relating to the award of a contract, the subcommittee
thought that a corresponding records exemption should also
be created. The following language was proposed to create
an exemption A82 at § 2.2-3705 for
records relating
to the negotiation and award of a specific contract where
competition or bargaining is involved and where the release
of such records would adversely affect the bargaining position
or negotiating strategy of the public body. Such records
shall not be withheld after the public body has made a decision
to award or not to award the contract. In the case of procurement
transactions conducted pursuant to the Virginia Public Procurement
Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.), the provisions of this subdivision
shall not apply, and any release of records relating to
such transactions shall be governed by the Virginia Public
Procurement Act.
The council by consensus
agreed to the subcommittee’s proposed amendments described
above and will recommend these amendments to the 2003 Session
of the General Assembly.
HB 900 Subcommittee
The subcommittee
studying FOIA and House Bill 900 met again with several representatives
of state and local government and the media concerning the
issues raised by the bill.
After the first
meeting of the subcommittee, a draft was circulated that would
have amended subsection F of § 2.2-3704 to give public bodies
the discretion to require a requester to pay for a FOIA response
before it would be required to honor a subsequent FOIA request
by the same requester.
At the most recent
meeting, the subcommittee addressed concerns that there was
no provision giving the requester time to pay an amount due
for a FOIA request before a public body could begin to refuse
subsequent requests. Some participants envisioned that this
may create an unfair situation for a requester, since generally
a person has a certain amount of time to pay a bill—such as
15 or 30 days—before penalties apply.
As a result of these
concerns, it was agreed that the draft should include a 30-day
period for a requester to pay any outstanding amounts due
from a previous FOIA request before the public body could
refuse a subsequent request. The participants at the meeting
worked on several drafts of proposed language during the course
of the meeting.
The following changes
are proposed:
- As a technical
change to the language of FOIA, subsection F of § 2.2-3704
would be changed from "a public body may make reasonable
charges for its actual costs," to read "a public body may
make reasonable charges, not to exceed its actual costs."
This change would make the language in subsection F parallel
with the language in subsection G regarding charges for
access to electronic records, which currently reads that
electronic records "shall be made available to a requester
at a reasonable cost, not to exceed the actual cost in accordance
with subsection F."
- As a technical
change to the language of FOIA, the paragraph that allows
a public body to require a deposit if it determines in advance
that charges for producing requested records will likely
exceed $200 will be moved into its own subsection and would
become subsection H of § 2.2-3704. The language of that
paragraph would remain unchanged.
- The new provision
allowing a public body to require a requester to pay for
a FOIA response before it will honor subsequent requests
will be inserted as subsection I of § 2.2-3704. The language
agreed to by the subcommittee would read, "Before processing
a request for records, a public body may require the requester
to pay any amounts owed to the public body for previous
requests for records that have not been paid within 30 days
after billing."
- With these changes,
the current subsection H of § 2.2-3704 would be renumbered
to become subsection J.
The council by consensus
agreed to the subcommittee’s proposed amendments described
above and will recommend these amendments to the 2003 Session
of the General Assembly.
Other Legislative
The council heard
from several state and local agencies concerning their perceived
need for amendments to FOIA. Specifically, the council heard
- The director
of government relations, Fairfax County Public Schools,
concerning the need to withhold from release records of
the investigation of claims filed against the insurance
policy of the school system. Currently there is an exemption
for records concerning reserves established in specific
claims administered by the Department of the Treasury through
its Division of Risk Management or by any county, city,
or town. However, it is arguable that the existing law would
not exempt such investigative records. Another issue raised
was that FOIA contains no exemption for local school boards
to withhold confidential investigator notes and other correspondence
and information, furnished with respect to an active investigation
of an individual employment discrimination complaint. Such
an exemption is available under FOIA only for the Department
of Human Resource Management.
- The State Board
of Elections advised the council that it was evaluating
the need to rectify FOIA’s meeting provisions and meetings
of state and local electoral boards under state election
laws. Each such board has only three members, and each time
two such members gather, they are having a meeting under
FOIA that requires notice, openness to the public, and minutes.
The local boards want to be in compliance with all state
- The Virginia
Commission on Youth advised that its study of the release
of juvenile records and the consent to the release of those
records revealed that under FOIA, a juvenile may not consent
to the release of his own medical records. Section 54.1-2969
E 5 allows a juvenile in certain cases to consent to the
release of his medical records.
- The Sheriff of
York County, for the Virginia Sheriff’s Association, discussed
the release of search warrants by the courts. He indicated
the FOIA protected many aspects of a criminal investigation
and prosecution, but that jeopardy to a case may result
from the release of unserved search warrants and search
warrant affidavits. Law-enforcement officials are trained
to be very specific in detailing pertinent information important
to an investigation, including the name of a juvenile or
a victim, on the search warrant affadavit. The legislative
committee of the Virginia Sheriffs’ Association unanimously
endorsed legislation that would allow courts to withhold
search warrants, returns and affidavits where jeopardy to
the investigation of a case would result. A representative
of the Virginia Press Association advised the council that
under current law, a commonwealth’s attorney may, for good
cause shown, motion the court to seal the warrants. It was
also noted that the underlying reason that search warrants
are open is that they are part of the preliminary judicial
process and due process requires the showing of probable
cause by the government.
Other Business
The council discussed
instituting a process for the receipt of legislative updates
and requests from state and local agencies. The council felt
that such legislative discussions should occur in the early
fall so that the council could have more time to examine and
deliberate on the issues raised and to appoint any subcommittees
they deemed necessary.
The council heard
a recap from staff about the results of the 2002 Statewide
FOIA Workshops held in September at seven statewide locations:
Big Stone Gap, Roanoke, Harrisonburg, Loudoun County, Prince
William County, Richmond, and Virginia Beach. Staff indicated
that 418 persons attended the various workshops and the course
evaluation forms turned in by the participants indicated that
the workshops received high marks on content and presentation.
In addition, staff
indicated that in the 61 days since the last council meeting,
staff had responded to a total of 320 inquiries. Of those
320 inquires, the council has issued 10 written advisory opinions
and responded to 310 email or telephone inquiries.
The next meeting
of the council has been tentatively set for Wednesday, March
5, 2003, at 10:00 a.m. in Richmond.
The Honorable R.
Edward Houck, Chair
Maria J.K. Everett,
Executive Director