June 20, 2001, Richmond
The focus of the
June council meeting was development of a study plan for the
FOIA bills referred from the 2001 Session of the General Assembly
that did not advance during the legislative process. The three
bills, HB 1597 (Landes), HB 2091 (Devolites), and HB 2700
(Larrabee), would have amended FOIA as it relates to current
records exemptions. Delegates Landes and Larrabee presented
their bills to the Council and explained the reasons leading
to their introduction.
HB 1597
As introduced, HB
1597 sought to amend the Freedom of Information Act to include
a right of access to scientific data used as the basis of
new laws or regulation. Delegate Landes explained that the
genesis for his bill was model legislation suggested by the
American Legislative Exchange Council "[t]o protect citizens
from arbitrary and capricious regulations promulgated without
any impetus that is justified by pertinent, ascertainable,
and peer reviewed science" and "guarantee citizens the right
to access scientific data that is used to develop public policy."
Questions to the
patron reflected a belief that these types of records are
currently open under FOIA in accordance with the act's definition
of "public records." Concern was raised that amending FOIA
to name records with some degree of specificity that are open
would tend to suggest that other documents not so listed would
no longer be public. As defined in FOIA, "public record" means
"all writings and recordings which consist of letters, words
or numbers, or their equivalent, set down by handwriting,
typewriting, printing, photostatting, photography, magnetic
impulse, optical or magneto-optical form, mechanical or electronic
recording or other form of data compilation, however stored,
and regardless of physical form or characteristics, prepared
or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its
officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public
It was the consensus
of the council that government agencies and public universities
should be surveyed to identify what types of records fall
within the purview of HB 1597 and whether this data is currently
available to the public under existing law. The council directed
its staff to convene a work group of interested parties to
discuss the issues attendant to this bill and report its recommendations
to the council.
HB 2091
HB 2091, patroned
by Delegate Devolites, provides a record exemption for records,
documents or other information, the disclosure of which would
constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Although
Delegate Devolites was unable to attend the meeting, she was
in agreement that her bill should be considered by the joint
subcommittee created pursuant to HJR 789 that is studying
the protection of information contained in the records, documents
and cases filed in the courts of the Commonwealth.
HB 2700
The council then
discussed HB 2700, which provides that the working papers
exemption under FOIA shall not be invoked by the mayor or
chief executive officer of any political subdivision of the
Commonwealth to prevent the sharing of documents or other
records that are necessary to the informed deliberation of
such local governing body. Delegate Larrabee explained that
the genesis of his bill was a situation which arose in his
district relating to whether a consultant's report paid for
by a city council could be withheld from city council by the
city manager as a working paper. Again, the council directed
its staff to convene a work group of interested parties to
discuss the issues attendant to this bill and report its recommendations
to the council.
Staff Report
Staff presented
a status report on the number of requests received to date
for information on the operation of Virginia's Freedom of
Information Act. Since it began operations on July 21, 2000,
staff reported that it has received and answered 526 inquiries
and has issued 58 written advisory opinions. Of the 526 inquiries
(including telephone, e-mail, and letters) 255 requests came
from citizens, 154 requests from state and local government
officials, and 117 requests from the media.
The council also
was briefed about the latest Virginia Supreme Court decision
relating to FOIA in the matter of Connell v. Kersey,
decided June 8, 2001. In that case, the Supreme Court held
that attorneys for the Commonwealth are not "public bodies"
as defined in FOIA. While acknowledging that attorneys for
the Commonwealth are public officials, the court noted that
FOIA distinguishes between "public officials" and "public
bodies" in several instances, which clearly indicates that
the terms are not synonymous. The Court cited as further evidence
§ 2.1-342.2, in which the definition of "law enforcement
official" includes attorneys for the Commonwealth. The court
reasoned that had the General Assembly intended attorneys
for the Commonwealth to be treated as public bodies under
the general definition, their express inclusion under the
definition of "law enforcement official" would have been unnecessary.
The court, however, limited the application of its holding
by stating that "their holding should not be interpreted as
placing any restriction on the application of FOIA to public
officials and their offices beyond the narrow focus of this
opinion as it relates to FOIA requests made to attorneys for
the Commonwealth for records related to ongoing criminal investigations
or prosecutions."
Because of the
impact of this decision, the council directed its staff to
convene a work group of interested parties to discuss the
issues attendant to this decision and report its recommendations
to the council. This case and the issues it raises will be
the subject of the next council meeting to be held on Wednesday,
September 12, 2001, at 10:00 a.m. in House Room D of the General
Assembly Building in Richmond.
The Honorable Clifton
A. "Chip" Woodrum, Chairman
Staff contact: Maria
J.K. Everett