![Sunrise over V.A. Capitol.](images/lsunrise.gif) |
March 29, 2004, Richmond
The Freedom
of Information Advisory Council (the Council) held its first
quarterly meeting of 2004 The purpose of the meeting was to
review legislative changes to the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) made by the 2004 General Assembly, identify topics
for study, including bills referred to the Council for further
examination, and to develop a study plan for this year's work.
At the request of the chairman and as a courtesy to Delegate
Griffith, patron of HB 1357, HB 1357 was considered out of
the order of business as stated on the agenda. HB 1357, relating
to FOIA and its application to the General Assembly, provides
that public access to certain meetings of the General Assembly
shall be governed by rules established by the Joint Rules
Committee. Floor sessions and meetings of committee, subcommittee,
and joint committees of conference will continue to be open
to the public. As required by HB 1357, the Joint Rules Committee
must hold regional public hearings at least 60 days before
the adoption of the rules and must also provide a copy of
such rules to the Council. The bill further provides that
meetings of political party caucuses of either house of the
General Assembly are excluded from the meeting provisions
of FOIA. Finally, the bill requires the Council, upon request,
to provide technical assistance to the Joint Rules Committee
in the implementation of HB 1357. Delegate Griffith indicated
that he looked forward to working with the Council to address
the gray areas of the law in this regard and to work through
them in an expeditious manner. The chair indicated that because
the bill concerned public access and the General Assembly,
he wanted to create a subcommittee comprised of past and present
General Assembly members and media representatives on the
Council. A subcommittee was appointed consisting of Council
members Senator Houck, Delegate Jones, Stewart Bryant, John
Edwards, and Bill Axselle. The Council discussed the need
to maintain the balance already expressed in the law between
the right of public access and the need of government to function.
Public comment was invited by the Council. The Council directed
that its website be used as a primary vehicle for receipt
of public comment on HB 1357 as well as providing updates
on the work of the subcommittee.
Legislative Update
The Freedom of Information Advisory Council ("the Council")
began its meeting with a legislative update recapping the
FOIA and related access bills passed during the 2004 Session.
Eighteen bills amended FOIA, including the creation of seven
new meetings and records exemptions and the expansion of four
existing meetings and records exemptions. Several other bills
did not amend FOIA directly, but addressed access-related
issues. Of note, both bills recommended by the Freedom of
Information Advisory Council passed -- SB 352 (Houck) reorganizing
the records exemptions and SB 354 (Houck) relating to records
and meeting exemptions for the Civil Commitment Review Committee.
A complete listing and description of FOIA and other related
access bills considered by the 2004 Session of the General
Assembly is available on the Council's website.
Bills Referred to the Council for Study
The following three bills were referred to the Council for
study by the 2004 Session of the General Assembly:
182 (Blevins); FOIA and GIS systems. Excludes from
the mandatory disclosure requirements of FOIA maps contained
in a geographic information system that are developed from
a combination of high resolution technologies, including digital
orthophotography, digital terrain models or related ancillary
proprietary data produced by any local governing body or by
the Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) division
of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency.
487 (Cole); FOIA; record exemption; owner/operators of private
aircraft. Provides an exemption for records of licensed
public use airports containing information concerning (i)
the identity of the owners or operators of aircraft based
at the airport, including the owner's or operator's name,
home address and telephone number and (ii) the tail numbers
and other identifying information relating to the aircraft
based at the airport from the mandatory disclosure requirements
of FOIA.
761(Hurt); Virginia State Bar; availability of membership
lists. Clarifies that the provisions of FOIA do not
apply to requests for copies of the Virginia State Bar membership
lists. The bill does provide, however, that copies shall be
made available, upon request, to Virginia organizations that
regularly conduct continuing legal education programs in the
Commonwealth and that such lists shall be provided at a reasonable
cost. Currently, copies of this list are provided to legal
aid societies and the Virginia Law Foundation as well as continuing
legal education providers on a cost recovery basis.
The Council
discussed the three bills and the issues each presented. With
regard to SB 182, the Council acknowledged a need for in-depth
examination of the nature of GIS records and access and a
subcommittee was appointed consisting of Council members Roger
Wiley, Tom Moncure and David Anderson. Staff advised the Council
that HB 487 was introduced in response to a situation involving
FOIA request made by a citizen who made complaints about the
operation of planes at a regional airport. The citizen eventually
made certain threats against the airport and subsequently
filed his FOIA request. The Council was advised of the existence
of a website maintained by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) which would allow any person to ascertain the name and
address of owners of aircrafts as well as aircraft identifying
information. The FAA website provides this information in
a variety of formats, including the ability to search on a
state-by-state basis or by a particular county within a state.
It was the consensus of the Council that HB 487 raised a clear
policy question of whether Virginia's FOIA should exempt records
of licensed public use airports in light of the availability
of such information of the FAA website. It was decided that
the full Council would review this issue. HB 761 would have
exempted from FOIA the membership lists maintained by the
Virginia State Bar. The Council had previously opined that
membership lists maintained by the Virginia State Bar were
subject to the mandatory disclosure requirements of FOIA.
HB 761 was introduced to overturn the advisory opinion of
the Council and to make it unequivocal such lists are not
subject to FOIA. Given the background of this bill, the Council
felt that further study was unnecessary.
The Council discussed HB 358, which requires all state public
bodies created in the executive branch of state government
and subject to FOIA to make available certain information
to the public upon request and to post such information on
the Internet, including: (i) a plain English explanation of
the rights of a requester under FOIA, the procedures to obtain
public records from the public body, and the responsibilities
of the public body in complying with FOIA; (ii) contact information
for the person designated by the public body to (a) assist
a requester in making a request for records or (b) respond
to requests for public records; and (iii) any policy the public
body has concerning the type of public records it routinely
withholds from release as permitted by FOIA. The bill requires
the Council to assist state public bodies in the development
and implementation of this information, upon request. Council
staff advised that they are currently working on a model rights
and responsibilities document to share with state agencies
and will offer the expertise of the Council in customizing
the model document to meet the needs of each individual agency.
The Council
next received a request from the Clerks' Offices of the Senate
of Virginia and the House of Delegates to change the requirement
for where notice is physically posted for legislative meetings
from in the Clerk's office to the Internet. Representatives
of the Clerk's office stated that because of the remote location
of the respective Clerk's offices, the public is not served
by posting notice there. They stated that notice of legislative
meetings would continue to be posted on the bulletin board
in the lobby of the General Assembly Building as required
by law. Additionally, the representatives requested the Council
to review the electronic meeting notice requirements of FOIA.
They stated that it was practically impossible to meet the
requirement to post notice 30 days in advance of any electronic
meeting. A subcommittee was appointed to study these requests
and is comprised of Council members Wat Hopkins, E.M. Miller,
and David Hallock.
The Council
next discussed the need to form a task force to review the
issue of obsolete "technology" nomenclature in FOIA
and to make recommendations for change to FOIA Council. At
its last meeting, the Council agreed that while no formal
study was necessary, a task force comprised of interested
persons would be advisable to review obsolete technology language
contained in FOIA. The Council directed staff to act as facilitator/moderator
of this task force. Participation on task force will be open
to all interested parties, including representatives of the
Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA). Interested
persons should contact staff of the FOIA Council.
Email case
reported that on March 5, 2004, the Virginia Supreme Court
issued an opinion concerning FOIA (Beck v. Shelton, No. 030723),
with a holding directly relevant to all elected officials
in Virginia -- from members of the General Assembly to members
of local school boards. Beck had primarily drawn interest
because it is the first authoritative statement of law in
Virginia as to whether use of electronic mail ("e-mail")
by public officials could constitute a meeting under FOIA.
Beck also examines broader issues as to the applicability
of FOIA to members-elect of a public body and the definition
of a meeting. The Court held that FOIA does not apply to members-elect
of a public body; that generally, use of email by three or
more members of a public body to discuss public business is
not a meeting; and that the gathering of three members of
a public body at a citizen-organized meeting did not violate
FOIA. Staff advised that it has prepared an issue brief of
the case which is available on the Council's website.
As is
its custom at each meeting, the Council received public comment.
On the issue of the application of FOIA to meetings of the
General Assembly (HB 1357), the Council was provided the results
of research conducted by a citizen on legislative rules of
other states as well as such states' relevant constitutional
provisions on this issue. The Virginia Press Association and
the Virginia Association of Broadcasters expressed their interest
in participating in the study and offered some issues for
consideration in the conduct of the Council's study of HB
1357, including the differentiation between the various types
and functions of General Assembly caucuses, the conduct of
meetings of the General Assembly while in session versus meetings
conducted during the interim, and whether the subject matter
under discussion should be controlling in determining public
access. The Virginia Coalition for Open Government (VCOG)
expressed its opinion that legislative exemptions should continue
to be placed within FOIA and not in House or Senate procedural
rules. On the issue of SB 182, access to GIS maps, VCOG stated
that it is opposed to "add-on" fees for high resolution
GIS maps. The City of Virginia Beach provided background information
on GIS maps and expressed its willingness to assist in the
study of SB 182.
Meetings of the Council
The Council
set all of its meeting dates for calendar year 2004. The next
meeting of the Council has been set for Wednesday, June 9,
2004, at 2:00 p.m. in Richmond. Additional meeting dates set
by the Council include Thursday, September 16, 2004, and December
2, 2004. All meetings of the Council will begin at 2:00 p.m.
and will be held in Richmond.
The Honorable
R. Edward Houck, Chair
Maria J.K. Everett, Executive Director
All members of the Council were present, except E.M. Miller,