Sunrise over V.A. Capitol.

2022 Subcommittees

The 2022 Session of the General Assembly referred one bill to the FOIA Council for study during the interim (HB 980, Williams Graves) and another bill (HB 444, Bennett Parker) was enacted with a second enactment clause that directed the FOIA Council to convene a work group to make recommendations on best practices regarding electronic meetings.

1. HB 444 Workgroup

House Bill 444 (Bennett Parker) was enacted with a delayed effective date of September 1, 2022, and a second enactment clause that directed the FOIA Council to convene a workgroup to make recommendations on certain best practices regarding electronic meetings. The bill is summarized as follows:

  • Virginia Freedom of Information Act; meetings conducted through electronic communication means. Amends existing provisions concerning electronic meetings by keeping the provisions for electronic meetings held in response to declared states of emergency, repealing the provisions that are specific to regional and state public bodies, and allowing certain public bodies to conduct all-virtual public meetings where all of the members who participate do so remotely and that the public may access through electronic communications means. The bill excepts local governing bodies, local school boards, planning commissions, architectural review boards, zoning appeals boards, and any board with the authority to deny, revoke, or suspend a professional or occupational license from the provisions that allow public bodies to conduct all-virtual public meetings. Definitions, procedural requirements, and limitations for all-virtual public meetings are set forth in the bill, along with technical amendments. The bill has a delayed effective date of September 1, 2022.

The second enactment clause directs the FOIA Council to convene a workgroup as follows:

  • 2. That the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council shall convene a work group, no later than May 1, 2022, to develop recommendations for best practices for public bodies holding all-virtual public meetings, including but not limited to how to take public comment virtually and the proper use of video by public body members. Such recommendations must be completed by August 1, 2022. The work group shall include representatives of the Virginia Association of Counties, the Virginia Municipal League, the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, and the Virginia Press Association and such other stakeholders the Council deem appropriate.

Meetings Scheduled:

Friday, May 6, 2022, at 1:00 p.m., Virtual Meeting
Meeting Video (.mp4)

Tuesday, May 24, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., Virtual Meeting
Best Practices Summary

Meeting Video (.mp4)


2. HB 980 Subcommittee

The Subcommittee consists of Delegate Simon (Chair) and Council members Potter,
Rodriguez Perkins, Seltzer, and Wade. The Subcommittee will study House Bill 980
(Williams Graves), summarized as follows:

  • Virginia Freedom of Information Act; exclusions to application of chapter;
    local administrative investigations; disclosure.
    Adds email addresses as
    information that, when furnished in confidence to the local governing body, with
    respect to complainants in local investigations are exempt from disclosure under
    the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. The bill expands the applicability of the
    exemption to zoning enforcement complaints for all such complaints, not just
    individual enforcement complaints. The bill also adds local public health and
    safety, nuisance, and waste and recycling complaints to the list of complainants
    whose personal information is exempt from disclosure.

Meetings Scheduled:

Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., Subcommittee Room #2, Pocahontas Building, Richmond, VA

Redraft of HB 980

Meeting Video (.mp4)