November 8, 2006, Richmond
Fifth Response Subcommittee1 of the FOIA Council held is second
meeting to address concerns raised with the proposed subcommittee
draft at the full FOIA Council Meeting on October 11, 2006.
The first issue related to the application of a required fifth
response to elected officials who may receive FOIA requests
from opposing candidates prior to the election. While sympathetic
to additional burdens places on elected officials around election/reelection
time, the subcommittee characterized the issue as one of using
FOIA to intimate or harass, which all agreed was a separate
issue and beyond the scope of the subcommittee's charge. In
addition, it was noted that there may be a legitimate reason
for a FOIA request as it relates the official performance
of an incumbent. With the addition of a fifth response to
a FOIA request--the records do not exist or could not be found--
the subcommittee agreed that a response would have to be made
by an elected official upon receipt of a FOIA request. Staff
told the subcommittee that FOIA at § 2.2-3704 E currently
provides that "[F]ailure to respond to a request for
records shall be deemed a denial of the request and shall
constitute a violation of this chapter." Therefore, it
appears that some type of response is already required by
second issue was whether the phrase in the draft "if
the public body that receives the request knows that another
public body has the requested records" places a responsibility
on the receiving public body to poll all of its employees
before making the response that it knows the records are in
the possession of another public body. In response, staff
pointed out that FOIA is replete with references to the public
body itself and not employees of the public body. Additionally,
it was noted that common sense dictates that the phrase does
not require the polling of all employees. After a brief discussion,
the subcommittee decided that the draft language was sufficient
as drafted.
subcommittee voted 3 to 0 to recommend the draft without any
further change to the full FOIA Council at its meeting on
December 15, 2005.
Mssrs Fifer, Bryan and Malveaux were
present; Delegate Griffith was absent.