August 23, 2006, Richmond
Electronic Meetings Subcommittee conducted its second meeting
on August 23, 2006.1 Chairman Edwards began the meeting by
identifying the issues on which there was consensus among
the subcommittee. Namely, preservation of the requirement
that a quorum of a public body using electronic meetings be
physically present at one location, reducing the public notice
from seven to three working days, authorizing local regional
public bodies to conduct electronic meetings, and providing
for participation by telephone by a member of a public body
in the event of an emergency. The Chairman noted that the
legislative draft prepared by staff reflected the above described
consensus. He added that the issue raised by the State Independent
Living Council (SILC) concerning relaxation of the electronic
meeting rules for members of a public body with a physical
disability was still on the table to be discussed by the subcommittee.
advised the subcommittee that the legislative draft reflected
not only the areas of consensus, but also included suggestions
of the Virginia Press Association (VPA) and was marked as
such in order for the subcommittee to have a basis for comparison
and to facilitate consideration of the issues together. The
subcommittee reviewed the draft and discussed each issue raised
by the draft. The subcommittee invited public comment on each
issue. The first issue concerned the definition of a regional
public body. A representative of VPA told the subcommittee
that VPA members were asked to identify the regional public
bodies in their service areas and report how many localities
typically comprised a regional public body. The poll revealed
that typically regional bodies involved the participation
of four or more localities. It was VPA's suggestion that the
definition of regional public body in the draft be changed
from three to four. VPA's suggested language also included
a reference to the distance of 100 miles as another defining
component of a regional public body. Public comment received
on the issue of setting a distance requirement tended to indicate
that perhaps distance was not the best measure. For example,
in Northern Virginia, the issue is a travel issue, while in
rural parts of Virginia it is a weather issue. Additionally,
it was noted by Council member Wiley that 100 miles is too
long a distance when one considers that Interstate 95 in Virginia
is less than 200 miles long, although it can take a person
all day to travel it. He opined that adding a distance requirement
was artificial and served only to make electronic meetings
for regional public bodies unusable. In response, it was suggested
that the distance requirement be expressed in the alternative
in the draft. Specifically, the definition of a regional public
body would require either four or more counties and cities
or be separated by a distance of 100 or more miles. There
some discussion that in order for this definition to be meaningful,
the number of regional public bodies in Virginia should identified
and whether these entities in fact span 100 miles or more.
In response, staff advised that there are literally hundreds
of regional bodies as evidenced in a spread sheet provided
by the Commission on Local Government. Mr. Wiley noted that
regional jail authorities were required to have three jurisdictions,
while some water and sewer authorities had less than three
jurisdictions. The Chairman suggested that the definition
of regional public body should not include towns within a
county; but instead be limited to counties and cities. The
subcommittee voted unanimously to adopt as part of the definition
of a regional public body the requirement for four or more
counties or cities, or alternatively participating localities
must cover a distance of 100 miles or more. Specifically,
"regional public body" means a unit of government
organized as provided by law within defined boundaries, as
determined by the General Assembly, whose members are appointed
by the participating local governing bodies and (i) such unit
includes four or more counties or cities or (ii) where the
geographical territory within the jurisdiction of the regional
public body is sufficient in size to include a straight line
drawn between two points that is 100 miles or more in length.
next issue presented in the draft concerned when notice must
be given for electronic meetings. The subcommittee unanimously
adopted reducing the notice requirement for electronic meetings
from seven to three working days.
subcommittee next discussed establishing a central call-in
line by which the public could hear an electronic meeting.
Council member Fifer noted that there was no prohibition in
the law which would prevent the use of a central call-in line
for public access. To change that to require such public accommodation
would be a heavy burden on government. Mr. Wurtzel noted that
there are three conference call services that arrange conference
calls and that each participant pays for his access. The subcommittee
felt that if a call-in line were provided, it should be at
the government's expense and not that of the individual citizen.
next issue considered by the subcommittee was language suggested
by the VPA concerning the relaxation of the electronic meeting
rules for members of a public body with a physical disability.
It was noted that SILC had originally raised the issue with
the FOIA Council by letter but had not provided any further
guidance or suggestions to the subcommittee. The subcommittee
agreed to the language offered by the VPA to address the issue,
but conditioned its approval on hearing from SILC specifically
and the approval by the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities.
On the
final issue presented in the draft, the subcommittee discussed
allowing individual members to participate in any meeting2
by telephone in the event of an emergency or other unforeseen
circumstance that prevented such a member from attending a
meeting. The subcommittee explored what if any limitation
should place on the number of emergencies that an individual
member could invoke. The draft limited such emergency participation
to two meetings per calendar year. VPA and the Virginia Coalition
for Open Government indicated that emergency participation
should limited to one meeting per year and suggested that
the words "personal emergency or other unforeseen circumstances"
in the draft was too open ended. After significant discussion
on (i) the scope of any emergency participation, (ii) the
process by which the affected member would notify his board
or commission of the emergency, (iii) the approval of the
body to allow such participation, and (iv) the limitation
on the number of emergencies that would be allowed, the subcommittee
voted to strike the words "personal" before the
word "emergency" and "or other unforeseen circumstances"
from the draft and to limit emergency participation by an
individual member in each calendar year to two meetings or
25 percent of the meeting of the public body, whichever is
less. There was brief discussion on whether the number of
members of a public body that could avail themselves of this
emergency provision should likewise be limited. The subcommittee
found no compelling reason to impose this additional limitation.
additional issues were brought to the subcommittee's attention.
Subcommittee member Wurtzel discussed his proposed draft that
would allow state public bodies, including the State Council
on Higher Education (SCHEV), to conduct electronic meetings
without a quorum assembled in one physical location under
specific conditions and for limited purposes. Chairman Edwards
noted that there was consensus among the subcommittee expressed
at this meeting and at its previous meeting that the requirement
for a physical quorum to be located at the main meeting location
should be preserved in the law. The draft offered by Mr. Wurtzel
was not taken up by the subcommittee.
A representative
of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) provided a
letter from Glenn DuBois, Chancellor, VCCS, which advised
the subcommittee that it sought to regain the ability of VCCS
to hold special electronic meetings solely for the purpose
of community college presidential certifications. The letter
indicated that this ability was lost in 2005 with the expiration
of the electronic meeting pilot program authorized under Chapter
704 of the 1999 Acts of Assembly. The letter urged the subcommittee
to consider relaxing the electronic meetings law for VCCS.
Certain members of the subcommittee advised that they were
sympathetic to the problem, but did not see the possibility
of a compromise on the issue.
subcommittee directed staff to prepare a revised draft reflecting
the consensus of the subcommittee on the issues discussed.
The revised draft will be made available on the FOIA Council
next meeting of the Electronic Meetings Subcommittee is scheduled
for Wednesday, October 11, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in the Speakers
Conference Room of the General Assembly Building, Richmond.
Subcommittee members Edwards, Miller, Spencer, Fifer, Wiley,
and Wurtzel were present. Senator Houck and Mr. Bryan were
Traditional meetings where members are physically assembled
in one location and meetings conducted by electronic communication
means. |