July 27, 2006, Richmond
Fifth Response Subcommittee1 met on July 27, 2006 to discuss
whether to add a "fifth response" within FOIA to
address situations where a public body receives a records
request for records that do not exist or cannot be found.
FOIA currently does not specify what response a public body
is to provide in such a situation. FOIA currently provides
four responses to requests for public records: (1) provide
the records; (2) withhold the records in their entirety pursuant
to an appropriate exemption; (3) provide the records in part
and withhold them in part, again pursuant to an appropriate
exemption; and (4) invoke an additional seven working days
to respond because it is not practically possible to provide
the records or determine whether they are available within
the five working day period.
Mr. Fifer
opened the meeting with a discussion of the FOIA Council's
considerations of this issue last year, and asked for consensus
on whether the subcommittee felt it was necessary to add a
fifth response within FOIA. Staff described experiences with
citizen complaints regarding vague responses, or a lack of
response, from public bodies where it seemed likely that the
public body did not have or could not find the requested records.
The FOIA Council has issued three advisory opinions2 recommending
that public bodies clearly state when records do not exist,
in order to avoid confusion and frustration on the part of
the requester. The subcommittee agreed, with input from representatives
of the Virginia Press Association (VPA), the Virginia Coalition
for Open Government (VCOG), the Virginia Department of Transportation
(VDOT), and the Virginia Association of Counties (VACO), that
for public bodies to inform requesters when records do not
exist is a matter of common courtesy and common sense. Many
public bodies already respond in such fashion, by clearly
informing requesters when the public body does not have the
requested records. However, the subcommittee agreed that in
light of prior experiences where public bodies did not respond
in such a clear manner, it is necessary to add an additional
response within FOIA in order to address such situations.
Concerns were expressed regarding the challenge of trying
to legislate common courtesy and common sense, particularly
that the wording of such a response must be such that it does
not lead to misinterpretation, miscommunication, or additional
delay in providing records.
An alternative
draft version of § 2.2-3704 of FOIA, prepared by Mr.
Fifer, was distributed as a working document for discussion
of the issues before the subcommittee. The subcommittee and
meeting attendees discussed the details of the language to
be used in the proposed amendment to § 2.2-3704. Language
was drafted so that public bodies could state either that
the requested records could not be found or that the records
do not exist. Concern was expressed that simply stating that
the records "do not exist" could lead to the problem
of having to prove a nullity, thus leading to the conclusion
that stating that the records "could not be found"
was preferable in some situations. On the other hand, in other
situations it may be readily known that the public body does
not have the requested records,3 and so stating that the records
"could not be found" would imply that a search was
made for the records when none was conducted. Therefore the
added language allows for either response, to be used as appropriate
under the circumstances of each request. The subcommittee
also decided that it was unnecessary to add specific language
concerning a search for records, as making a good faith search
for records is already an implicit requirement of FOIA whenever
requested records are not immediately available or known not
to exist. The draft language also provides that if the public
body that receives the request does not have the requested
records, but knows that another public body does have them,
then the requester shall be so informed.
the subcommittee decided to make certain technical changes
to the existing language of subsections B and C of §
2.2-3704. There was some confusion in the existing language
regarding whether a public body had to provide non-exempt
records within five working days, or only had to inform the
requesters that the records will be provided. Consistent with
prior advisory opinions, the changed language clarifies that
non-exempt records must actually be provided within five working
days, unless the public body invokes an additional seven days
to respond, reaches agreement with the requester concerning
additional time to respond, or petitions a court for additional
time to respond as allowed by FOIA. Currently subsection C
of § 2.2-3704 allows a public body to petition a court
for additional time to respond to a request only when the
request is for an extraordinary volume of records and a response
within the time required would prevent the public body from
meeting its operational responsibilities. The proposed amendment
would also allow a public body to so petition a court when
the request would require an extraordinarily lengthy search,
regardless of the volume of records requested, while retaining
the requirement that such petition is to be made only if a
response within the time required would prevent the public
body from meeting its operational responsibilities. This amendment
is meant to cover situations where the requester has not requested
a large volume of records, but for practical reasons it is
unusually difficult to find and access the requested records.
were also expressed regarding the use of the undefined term
"custodian" in the current language of subsection
B of § 2.2-3704 and how that language would interact
with the proposed fifth response. In particular, if a public
body does not have the requested records, it is not the custodian
of those records. Pursuant to the current law, it is the custodian
who is required to respond to a request. This language, in
combination with an added fifth response, leads to the paradoxical
situation where a public body that does not have requested
records is required to so inform the requester, but at the
same time it is not required to respond because it is not
the "custodian" of records it does not have. Therefore
the "custodian" language was removed from subsection
B of § 2.2-3704 in order to clarify that all public bodies
subject to FOIA must respond when a records request is received.
The subcommittee
concluded its work by voting unanimously to recommend the
draft as amended to the FOIA Council for its consideration,
and directing staff to prepare the draft for presentation
to the FOIA Council at its next meeting.
Subcommittee members Fifer, Bryan, and Malveaux were present;
Subcommittee member Griffith was absent; Council member Yancey-Spencer
was also present.
See Freedom of Information Advisory Opinions 16 (2004),
25 (2004), and 05 (2005).
For example, when the request is for records of a type the
public body does not prepare or retain, or if it is known
that the records were destroyed according to their retention
schedule under the Virginia Public Records Act.