16, 2012
L. Browne, Esq.
Manassas, Virginia
The staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council
is authorized to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff
advisory opinion is based solely upon the information presented
in your letter of January 18, 2012.
Mr. Browne:
have asked several questions regarding a request for records
made to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) under
the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The request
asked that VDOT "make available for inspection (and possible
copying)" 27 categories of records, all generally related
to the widening of a particular road in the County of Prince
William. The response from VDOT stated that "the documents
held by VDOT that are responsive to your request are available
for inspection and copying at [a VDOT District Office]."
The response further indicated that the records included "a
mixture of hard copies and digital files," and that the
digital files were copied onto CD's that you were welcome
to take with you "to review at your convenience."
Regarding other copies, VDOT offered to make arrangements
to copy the records you wanted after your review, or to let
you make your own copies with your own equipment if you wish.
After additional inquiry from you, VDOT further replied that
"all documents that the agency possessed and that were
responsive to your request were produced. No documents were
withheld." You ask whether VDOT's response was deficient
in three regards: (1) that the response was too narrow because
it refers only to records "held" by VDOT, and does
not specify anything about additional records that may be
held by other public bodies; (2) that the apparent effort
to locate and produce responsive records was insufficient;
and (3) that the response was not sorted to match the 27 categories
of inquiry.
policy of FOIA stated in § 2.2-3701 is that all public
records shall be available for inspection and copying upon
request. All public records and meetings shall be presumed
open, unless an exemption is properly invoked. In implementing
this policy, subsection A of § 2.2-3704 gives the requester
the right to inspect or to copy the desired public records.
Subsection B of § 2.2-3704 requires that [a]ny public
body that is subject to this chapter and that is the custodian
of the requested records shall promptly, but in all cases
within five working days of receiving a request, provide the
requested records to the requester or make one of four
other responses, in writing: (1) withhold the records entirely;
(2) provide the records in part, and withhold the remainder;
(3) state that the records cannot be found or do not exist;
or (4) invoke an additional seven working days to respond.
In this instance, it appears that VDOT provided the requested
records for inspection and copying. VDOT did not deny your
request in whole or in part, did not state that the records
could not be found or did not exist, and did not invoke additional
time to respond. Therefore it appears that VDOT's response
was in compliance with the requirements of FOIA.
the issues you raised, I note that all of them are premised
on the provisions of subdivision B 3 of § 2.2-3704, which
applies when the requested records could not be found
or do not exist. That subdivision further requires that
if the public body that received the request knows that another
public body has the requested records, the response shall
include contact information for the other public body.
Your first inquiry asked whether the written response was
too narrow. Your second inquiry concerned the apparent effort
made by VDOT to locate and produce responsive records. In
this instance VDOT did not state that records could not be
found or did not exist, it provided the requested records
for inspection and copying. Therefore the response set forth
in subdivision B 3 does not apply in this situation. VDOT,
as custodian of its own records, has provided those records
for your inspection and copying. It is not required to do
As background,
note that the response that the records could not be found
or do not exist was added to FOIA in 2007 after being
studied and recommended by the FOIA Council.1 The
meeting minutes of the FOIA Council subcommittee that studied
the issue are informative regarding the reasons for this change
in the law:
was drafted so that public bodies could state either that
the requested records could not be found or that the records
do not exist. Concern was expressed that simply stating
that the records "do not exist" could lead to
the problem of having to prove a nullity, thus leading to
the conclusion that stating that the records "could
not be found" was preferable in some situations. On
the other hand, in other situations it may be readily known
that the public body does not have the requested records,
and so stating that the records "could not be found"
would imply that a search was made for the records when
none was conducted. Therefore the added language allows
for either response, to be used as appropriate under the
circumstances of each request. The subcommittee also decided
that it was unnecessary to add specific language concerning
a search for records, as making a good faith search for
records is already an implicit requirement of FOIA whenever
requested records are not immediately available or known
not to exist. The draft language also provides that if the
public body that receives the request does not have the
requested records, but knows that another public body does
have them, then the requester shall be so informed.2
The issue
of searching for records was also the subject of a prior advisory
opinion, wherein this office opined that [c]onsidering
the policy of FOIA, the legal duties it imposes, and the presumption
that public officials will obey the law in carrying out their
duties, therefore, it must be presumed that while the methods
and extent of searches may vary, any search for records made
under FOIA must be carried out in good faith.3
Therefore in the context of your inquiry, it becomes clear
that it is presumed that VDOT made whatever good faith search
was necessary to provide you with the records you sought.
The could not be found or do not exist response is
for those situations where the custodian does not have responsive
records, and even then, only requires that the custodian inform
a requester if the custodian has actual knowledge that some
other public body does have responsive records. That is not
the situation presented here, where VDOT did in fact have
responsive records and provided them. In this instance, providing
the records as requested was the proper and sufficient response.
you referenced the portion of subsection J of the same section
which provides that
the event a public body has transferred possession of public
records to any entity, including but not limited to any
other public body, for storage, maintenance, or archiving,
the public body initiating the transfer of such records
shall remain the custodian of such records for purposes
of responding to requests for public records made pursuant
to this chapter and shall be responsible for retrieving
and supplying such public records to the requester.
provision addresses situations where records may have been
transferred from one agency to another, such as when records
are transferred to the Library of Virginia for archiving,
or when a state agency's records are held on computers maintained
by the Virginia Information Technology Agency (VITA) through
its contract with Northrop Grumman. This section addresses
the question of whether the Library of Virginia or VITA becomes
the custodian of records when they store another agency's
records. The answer is no, as stated in the law.
crux of your concern appears to be that there may be additional
records that respond to your request but are held by other
public bodies. I would take this opportunity to note that
FOIA requires the custodian of records to respond to requests.
FOIA does not define what is a custodian. This office
has opined that the concept would include both actual custody
of records as well as legal ownership.4 We also stated in the
context of a student government that as a practical matter,
each branch of government might be considered the custodian
of its own records.5 In your inquiry you referred to the possibility
that other government bodies, such as the Commonwealth Transportation
Board, the Department of Environmental Quality, or the County
of Prince William, might also have responsive records. This
may be true, but there is no evidence that VDOT is the custodian
of records for any of these separate entities. Because they
are separate public bodies, it may be presumed that VDOT is
not the actual or legal custodian of these other entities'
records. Under FOIA, a public body is only responsible for
its own records, not the records of other public bodies, except
to the extent such other records are in the possession of
the public body in the transaction of its public business.6
For example, if VDOT and the County shared records about this
project, and both entities were in possession of the records,
then you could get the records from either public body. On
the other hand, if the County generated relevant records that
it did not share with VDOT, VDOT would not be in possession
of those records and would not be responsible to provide them.
Therefore this aspect of your inquiry must be answered in
the negative: VDOT's response was not insufficient in that
it did not refer to records held by other public bodies. Again,
VDOT provided you with the records you requested that are
in VDOT's possession. If you believe that other public bodies
might also have records responsive to your request, the proper
course of action would be to make separate records requests
to those other public bodies.
you ask whether VDOT's failure to sort its records in response
to your request in 27 categories is also insufficient, and
what would be the proper manner for a government agency to
make collected documents available. FOIA is silent in regard
to sorting, categorizing, or otherwise organizing a response
to a records request. Generally speaking, this office tries
to approach FOIA in a practical manner. Considering that different
agencies keep their records in different ways, responses to
requests will vary depending on the nature of the request
and the way in which the public body keeps the records. The
scope of a request will also affect the nature of the response
as a matter of course. In this instance, you asked to inspect
27 categories of records all pertaining to the widening of
a certain road, generally covering a thirteen year period
from 1998-2011. Given the breadth of your request, and that
VDOT provided all of its responsive records, it does not appear
unreasonable for VDOT to simply provide all the records it
had in whatever form of organization VDOT itself uses when
storing its records. Noting that VDOT could charge for staff
time in accessing, duplicating, and supplying records, it
would seem as a practical matter that simply giving you all
of the records as they were kept by VDOT is the more efficient
solution in this situation, both in terms of cost and time
involved. This office does not have the specific knowledge
of how any other agency keeps its records and there is no
law specifying the manner in which records are to be kept.
Therefore we cannot offer a more specific answer regarding
how records should be produced in any given situation. Keeping
in mind that FOIA is not discovery under the Rules of Court,
there is no explicit requirement in FOIA to provide numbered
responses or an equivalent to a discovery log. On the other
hand, a public body must act in good faith in producing records
that are responsive to the request and not produce them in
such a manner as to obfuscate the information or otherwise
make it more difficult for the requester. As always, communication
between the requester and the public body is key to a successful
FOIA transaction. To the extent you desire records be produced
in a specific manner, you should communicate this to VDOT
and work out an agreement with them. As provided in 2.2-3700,
[a]ll public bodies and their officers and employees shall
make reasonable efforts to reach an agreement with a requester
concerning the production of the records requested.
you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been of
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
Acts of Assembly, c. 439.
2FOIA Council Fifth Response Subcommittee meeting
minutes, July 27, 2006 (available on the FOIA Council website
at http://foiacouncil.dls.virginia.gov/subcom_mtgs/2006/sm072706.htm).
3Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 04 (2010).
4Freedom of Information Advisory Opinions 13 (2008)
and 37 (2001).
5Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 05 (2007).
6Keeping in mind the definition of public records
in § 2.2-3701, which includes all records prepared
or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its
officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public