18, 2008
The Roanoke Times
Roanoke, Virginia
staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your electronic
mail of March 10, 2008 and March 26, 2008.
Mr. Hammock:
have asked whether a closed meeting convened by the Roanoke
City Council (the Council) was held in violation of the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). As background, you indicated
that the Council had issued a request for proposals (RFP)
concerning an amphitheatre project in the City. The Council
received six responses to that RFP. It appears that one Council
member, Mr. Brian Wishneff, sent an electronic mail to the
City Attorney and others outlining his concerns that none
of the responses complied with the requirements set forth
in the RFP, and that to consider them further would therefore
be improper and in violation of the applicable procurement
laws.1 On February 19, 2008, the Council held a closed meeting
to proceed in accordance with the procedures for competitive
negotiation set forth in the Virginia Public Procurement Act
(VPPA) to begin the process of selecting the most qualified
offeror. My understanding is that that process, as dictated
by the VPPA, requires the public body to rank the offerors
and then interview them in rank order until it selects one
offeror with whom to enter into a contract. It appears that
the meeting was closed pursuant to subdivision A 29 of §
2.2-3711 (the contract negotiation exemption), which allows
a closed meeting to be convened for the purpose of [d]iscussion
of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure
of public funds...where discussion in an open session would
adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy
of the public body. You stated that Mr. Wishneff left
the closed meeting in protest, and asked whether that closed
meeting was in fact held in violation of FOIA.
policy of FOIA set forth in § 2.2-3700 states that [u]nless
a public body or its officers or employees specifically elect
to exercise an exemption provided by this chapter or any other
statute, every meeting shall be open to the public....All
public records and meetings shall be presumed open, unless
an exemption is properly invoked. In furtherance of this
policy, subsection A of 2.2-3707 provides that [a]ll meetings
of public bodies shall be open, except as provided in §§
2.2-3707.01 and 2.2-3711. When considering an exemption,
FOIA requires that [a]ny exemption from public access
to records or meetings shall be narrowly construed and no
record shall be withheld or meeting closed to the public unless
specifically made exempt pursuant to this chapter or other
specific provision of law. These principles guide the
opinion below.
the substance of your question, it appears that the Council
acted in compliance with FOIA in convening this closed meeting
pursuant to the contract negotiation exemption at issue. In
full, the exemption permits a closed meeting to be held for
the [d]iscussion of the award of a public contract involving
the expenditure of public funds, including interviews of bidders
or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such
contract, where discussion in an open session would adversely
affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of
the public body. This exemption was the subject of a
2006 opinion from the Supreme Court of Virginia, wherein the
Court opined that the
language [of the contract negotiation exemption], viewed
in its entirety, demonstrates that the purpose of the exemption
is to protect a public body's bargaining position or negotiating
strategy vis-a-vis a vendor during the procurement process.
Under that exemption, the terms or scope of a public contract
are proper subjects for discussion in a closed meeting of
a public body only in the context of awarding or forming
a public contract, or modifying such contract, and then
only when such discussion in an open meeting would adversely
affect the public body's bargaining position or negotiating
strategy regarding the contract.2
A prior
advisory opinion from this office noted that the contract
negotiation exemption applicable to meetings was enacted along
with a similar exemption for records of contract negotiations,
and would allow the discussion of the terms and scope of a
proposed agreement in closed session.3 Under the
facts presented, it appears that the Council held this closed
meeting in order to follow the procedure set forth in the
VPPA regarding the formation and award of a procurement contract,
including discussion of the proposed terms and scope of such
contract, and has asserted that had the discussion been held
in open meeting, it would have adversely affected the Council's
bargaining position or negotiating strategy. Following the
interpretation by the Supreme Court and the prior opinion
from this office, it therefore appears that the Council's
use of the contract negotiation exemption in this instance
falls within the express language of the contract negotiation
exemption and is in compliance with FOIA.
facts you have presented also give rise to two other considerations
of note. First, the agenda for this meeting published on the
Council's website4 lists the following item which
appears to correspond to the closed meeting topic at issue:
C-3 |
communication from the City Manager requesting that Council
convene in a Closed Meeting to discuss |
award of a public contract involving the expenditure of
public funds, where discussion in open session would adversely
affect the negotiating strategy of the City, pursuant
to §2.2-3177(A)(29), Code of Virginia (1950), as
amended. |
A of § 2.2-3712 requires that
closed meeting shall be held unless the public body proposing
to convene such meeting has taken an affirmative recorded
vote in an open meeting approving a motion that (i) identifies
the subject matter, (ii) states the purpose of the meeting
and (iii) makes specific reference to the applicable exemption
from open meeting requirements provided in § 2.2-3707
or subsection A of § 2.2-3711.
The quoted
agenda item describes the purpose of the closed meeting and
cites the applicable exemption, but does not identify the
subject matter of the meeting. FOIA sets forth no requirements
for the contents of agendas or of particular agenda items,
so the fact that this agenda item fails to identify the subject
is not a FOIA violation. However, it is a common practice
to use the same language in an agenda as is used in the actual
motion to convene a closed meeting. If the motion to convene
the closed meeting was identical to the quoted agenda item,
then that motion would fail to satisfy the requirement of
subsection A of § 2.2-3712 to identify the subject matter
of the closed meeting. A motion to convene a closed meeting
must contain all three elements (subject, purpose, and citation)
in order to comply with FOIA; a motion that lacks any of these
elements is insufficient under the law.5 This office
has previously advised that it is best to include in the minutes
all motions to convene closed meetings and the certifications
thereof by quoting such motions and certifications verbatim.
This practice leaves no doubt as to whether the motions were
made or what were the contents of such motions and certifications.6
While no violation is apparent here, I set forth these reminders
to help guide future practices.
as an additional matter, note that subsection D of §
2.2-3712, concerning the certification of closed meetings,
also sets forth the procedure a member of a public body should
follow if he or she feels a closed meeting has been held improperly:
the conclusion of any closed meeting, the public body holding
such meeting shall immediately reconvene in an open meeting
and shall take a roll call or other recorded vote to be
included in the minutes of that body, certifying that to
the best of each member's knowledge (i) only public business
matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements
under this chapter and (ii) only such public business matters
as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting
was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the
meeting by the public body. Any member of the public body
who believes that there was a departure from the requirements
of clauses (i) and (ii), shall so state prior to the vote,
indicating the substance of the departure that, in his judgment,
has taken place. The statement shall be recorded in the
minutes of the public body.
minutes of this meeting were not provided and do not appear
to be available on the Council's website at this time,7
the agenda report that is available online8 states
that Council Members Dowe and Wishneff left during the
closed session. Nothing is stated as to why
these members left the closed meeting. Based on the facts
you provided, it does not appear that any member made a statement
concerning a departure from the closed meeting requirements
as provided for in subsection D of § 2.2-3712. You indicated
that Mr. Wishneff left in protest due to his belief
that the closed meeting was being held in violation of the
law. However, nothing in the available records of this meeting
makes clear that his departure was a protest - the records
simply state that he left. I would point out that in such
a situation, members may be better advised to follow the procedure
set out in FOIA. By following the statutory procedure quoted
above, the substance of the protest will be recorded in the
minutes, documenting the issue(s) of concern and possibly
facilitating subsequent discussion and resolution of any problems.
you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been of
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
this office is limited to providing advisory opinions on FOIA
matters, the question of the legality of this transaction
as a matter of procurement law will not be addressed herein.
See Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 04 (2007).
2White Dog Publishing v. Culpeper County
Bd. of Supervisors, 272 Va. 377 at 386-387, 634 S.E.2d
334 at 339 (2006). Note that the Court's opinion cites subdivision
A 30 of § 2.2-3711, which now appears as subdivision
A 29 of § 2.2-3711 (the subdivision numbering has changed
but the exemption itself has not).
3See Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion
02 (2004).
4Available at http://www.roanokeva.gov/DeptApps/CCAgendas.nsf/3cac7f13c72b8ab385256b1b004ec9af/c3cb3d3d5b236387852573f0005d0239?OpenDocument
(last visited April 17, 2008).
5See, e.g., Freedom of Information Advisory
Opinion 06 (2007).
6Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 06 (2007).
7The most recent minutes available at this time
appear to be those of the Council meeting held January 22,
8Available at http://www.roanokeva.gov/DeptApps/CCAgendas.nsf/3cac7f13c72b8ab385256b1b004ec9af/c3cb3d3d5b236387852573f0005d0239/$FILE/ag%2002-19-08.pdf
(last visited April 17, 2008).