5, 2004
Mr. Mark
D. Hjelm
Woodbridge, Virginia
staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in the correspondence
that you delivered to this office on February 18, 2004.
Mr. Hjelm:
have asked a question concerning the response you received
to your request to Prince William County Schools ("the
School") for records under the Virginia Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA). You indicate that the school board has adopted
a regulation concerning employee and visitor identification
badges, and you requested copies of any memos, notes, rough
drafts or correspondence concerning visitor monitoring and
identification badges relating to this regulation.1 The School
responded in writing, and stated that the information that
you requested was exempt from disclosure, but did not cite
a specific statutory exemption. The School did provide you
with a copy of House Bill 2621 (2003), relating to school
safety audits. You indicate that you made a second request
for any memos, notes, rough drafts or correspondence concerning
visitor monitoring and identification badges, and the School
sent you an identical response.
A of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia states that [e]xcept
as otherwise specifically provided by law, all public records
shall be open to inspection and copying by any citizens of
the Commonwealth. The policy of FOIA set forth in subsection
B of § 2.2-3700 states that the provisions of FOIA shall
be liberally construed to promote access, and that [a]ny
exemption from public access to records or meetings shall
be narrowly construed. When a public body elects to exercise
a statutory exemption to withhold all or part of the requested
records, subsection B of § 2.2-3704 requires that the
public body respond in writing, identify with reasonable particularity
the volume and subject matter of the withheld records, and
cite the specific Code section that authorizes the withholding.
the school responded to your request in writing, it did not
cite a specific statutory exemption allowing the requested
records to be withheld as required by subsection B of §
2.2-3704. Because the School provided you with a copy of House
Bill 2621, one could surmise that the School was relying on
subdivision A 85 of § 2.2-3705 , a FOIA exemption created
by that bill during the 2003 Session of the General Assembly.
However, including a reference to a bill does not satisfy
the procedural requirements of FOIA to cite a specific statutory
exemption in order to withhold records, making the School's
response improper.
that the School was attempting to invoke the exemption found
at subdivision A 85 of § 2.2-3705, which exempts [s]ecurity
plans and specific vulnerability assessment components of
school safety audits, as provided in § 22.1-279.8,
you ask if the records you requested would fall under this
exemption. Section 22.1-279.8 requires school boards to annually
conduct a school safety audit, which is a written assessment
of the safety conditions of each school under its supervisory
control. The school safety audit identifies and develops solutions
for safety concerns and identifies and evaluates patterns
of school safety concerns. Recommended actions may include
changes to physical structures, safety policies, or standards
for student conduct. Section 22.1-279.8 requires that the
results of a school safety audit be made available to the
public within 90 days of completion, but allows security plans
and specific vulnerability assessments to be withheld pursuant
to the exemption mentioned above.
The School's apparent reliance on the exemption for portions
of school safety audits appears to be overly broad. The exemption
applies only to portions of the audit itself, a very specific
document defined in § 22.1-279.8, and not to any and
all records that may reference the School's security or security
procedures. The discretion to withhold security plans and
vulnerability assessments from the audit must be construed
narrowly, and may only be applied to portions of the audit
whose release would present a security threat or make public
the portions of an analysis that uncover weaknesses in existing
plans. In this case, you requested documents relating to an
existing school board regulation. To the extent that the annual
school safety audit was responsive to your request and identified
a security vulnerability in the regulation, that portion of
the audit may be withheld under this exemption. The exemption
would not apply to the school safety audit as a whole, or
to other responsive records that exist independently of the
audit. There may be other applicable security-related exemptions
that would allow certain other records related to security
procedures and vulnerabilities to be withheld, but the school
must specifically cite these exemptions in response to your
request. Because your request refers to records relating to
a published, public security procedure, it is unlikely that
all documents responsive to your request are subject to exemption
under FOIA. However, to withhold any of the requested records
from disclosure, whether the records are exempt portions of
a school safety audits or may be withheld under other FOIA
exemptions, the School must respond in writing, identify with
reasonable particularity the volume and subject matter of
the withheld records, and cite the specific statutory
exemption or exemptions that allow the records to be withheld.
you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been of
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
William County School Regulation 501.06-1 (2003).