8, 2003
Mr. Roderick
R. Ingram
Associate City Attorney
Virginia Beach, Virginia
staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your email
of October 24, 2003.
Mr. Ingram:
have asked a question concerning access to library records
under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Specifically,
you indicate that the City of Virginia Beach plans to implement
a system whereby library patrons would be required to swipe
their library cards through a card reader in order to access
the computer terminals available at the library. This would
create a record of the Internet sites visited by the particular
library patron. You ask if this record would be exempt from
public disclosure under FOIA.
A of § 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia states that [e]xcept
as otherwise specifically provided by law, all public records
shall be open to inspection and copying. The policy of
FOIA found at subsection B of § 2.2-3700 requires that
the provisions of [FOIA] shall be liberally construed to
promote an increased awareness by all persons of governmental
activity...[a]ny exemption from public access to records or
meetings hall be narrowly construed. Subdivision A 10
of § 2.2-3705 exempts [l]ibrary records that can be
used to identify both (i) any library patron who has borrowed
material from a library and (ii) the material such patron
borrowed. The Office of the Attorney General of Virginia
has interpreted this exemption to include more than just a
list of books borrowed by a particular patron. The Attorney
General opined that the exemption at subdivision A 10 of §
2.2-3705 would also allow a library to withhold records indicating
questions that a patron has asked at a reference desk and
bibliographies prepared by reference librarians in response
to patron requests for assistance.1
a library is a repository of resources representing all points
of view on a variety of subjects. Because of the nature of
materials available, library patrons have a privacy interest
in the resources they choose to examine. Maintaining this
privacy ensures academic and intellectual freedom and recognizes
that there is not necessarily a relationship between what
an individual reads and what that individual believes or how
that individual will act. In conducting research, a library
patron may find it necessary to examine all sides of a topic,
including unpopular viewpoints or ideas not accepted by mainstream
society, to fully understand that issue. Making public a list
of materials that the patron borrowed may lead to fear of
retaliation or ridicule if some of those materials represent
unpopular ideas. The opinion of the Attorney General mentioned
above implicitly upholds the policies underlying the library
exemption by giving a list of a patron's reference questions
the same protection from disclosure as a list of books borrowed
by that same patron.
It is
also important to note that the exemption at subdivision A
10 of § 2.2-3705 was enacted in 1979, and the language
of the amendment has not changed in 24 years.2 At the time
of the enactment, library resources were primarily limited
to books, magazines, and other items that could be physically
borrowed and taken out of the library. Computers were not
routinely used in the course of business, and the Internet
was largely unknown. In addition to lending tangible reference
items, libraries today also offer patrons access to computers
to conduct research on the Internet. The information found
on the Internet is not a tangible medium that can be borrowed
and returned, but for an individual who does not own a computer,
libraries offer access to this research tool. This is analogous
to a library offering access to a book to which a patron does
not otherwise have access. The policy interests in protecting
what a patron researches remain the same whether the patron
borrows a book, asks the reference librarian for assistance,
or uses the Internet on a library computer. The first two
instances are protected by the library exemption. Advances
in technology should not force exemptions to be construed
so as to result in an inconsistent application of the intent
of the law. Therefore, the exemption at subdivision A 10 of
§ 2.2-3705 should be interpreted to allow a library to
withhold records identifying any patron who has used the library's
computer terminals and the Internet sites visited by that
you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been of
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
Op. Atty. Gen. Va. 17. The exemption was initially found at
subdivision B 7 of § 2.1-342.
21979 Virginia Acts of Assembly ch. 682.