24 , 2003
Mr. Leonard
G. Cooke, Director
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Richmond, Virginia
staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your letter
of May 16, 2003.
Mr. Cooke:
have asked a question about the application of the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to school safety audits
required to be conducted by public schools and forwarded to
the Virginia Center for School Safety ("the Center")
at the Department of Criminal Justice Services.
22.1-279.8 of the Code of Virginia requires all public schools
to annually conduct a school safety audit.1 Subsection A of
§ 22.1-279.8 defines an audit as a written assessment
of the safety conditions at each public school to (i) identify
and, if necessary, develop solutions for physical safety concerns,
including building security issues and (ii) identify and evaluate
any patterns of student safety concerns occurring on school
property or at school-sponsored events. Solutions and responses
shall include recommendations for structural adjustments,
changes in school safety procedures, and revisions to the
school board's standards for student conduct. Subsection
B of § 22.1-279.8 requires that each school submit its
audit to the relevant school division superintendent, and
that the superintendent in turn submit all of the audits of
the schools in the division to the Center. Subdivision A 4
of § 9.1-184 requires the Center to [c]ollect, analyze,
and disseminate various Virginia school safety data, including
school safety audit information submitted to it pursuant to
§ 22.1-279.8.
2003 Session of the General Assembly amended subsection A
of § 2.2-3705 to create a new FOIA exemption for [s]ecurity
plans and specific vulnerability assessment components of
school safety audits, as provided in § 22.1-279.8.2
Subsection B of § 22.1-279.8 requires that the results
of school safety audits be made public within 90 days of completion.
However, the local school board retains the authority to withhold
or limit the release of security plans and specific vulnerability
assessment components in the audits pursuant to the FOIA exemption.
In light of this new exemption, you ask whether school divisions
must submit the entire audit to the Center, or whether a division
may withhold those portions of the audit that the school board
designates as security plans or specific vulnerability assessment
FOIA sets forth the procedures for a public body to follow
in responding to a request for public records. In responding
to requests, a public body has the discretion to withhold
records or portions of records that are subject to a statutory
exemption. However, in addition to the general rules concerning
production of records, the Code also mandates that certain
records be made available to other governmental entities or
persons in the course of the transaction of public business.
The Supreme Court of Virginia has held that as a rule of statutory
construction, "When one statute speaks to a subject in
a general way and another deals with a part of the same subject
in a more specific manner, the two should be harmonized, if
possible, and where they conflict, the latter prevails."3
this rule of statutory construction to the school safety audits,
FOIA sets forth general provisions relating to access to records,
and when a copy of the school safety audit is requested by
a citizen or the media, the exemption allows certain portions
to be withheld. However, the Code also more specifically mandates
that the school safety audits be submitted to the Center.
FOIA, a law of general applicability, should not be construed
so as to interfere with interagency information sharing mandated
by the Code and internal government administration. The specific
mandate for superintendents to submit a copy of the audits
to the Center supercedes the general FOIA exemption that would
allow portions of the audits to be withheld from the general
public. As a result, in submitting the school safety audits
to the Center, a school superintendent could not invoke the
FOIA exemption and withhold portions of the audits relating
to security plans or specific vulnerability assessments.
In follow-up
to this question, you note that once the school safety audits
are submitted to the Center, the Center will become a custodian
of these records and may receive a FOIA request for these
records. You ask if the Center would then have the discretion
to decide what information in an audit is a security plan
or specific vulnerability assessment component for purposes
of the exemption. Subsection B of § 22.1-279.8 is clear
on this issue. It states that [t]he local school board
shall retain authority to withhold or limit the release of
any security plans and specific vulnerability assessment components
as provided in § 2.2-3705. The exemption references
this section, stating that the particular information may
be withheld pursuant to § 22.1-279.8. Therefore, the
Center would be able to invoke the exemption if it received
a FOIA request for the audits. However, it would not be in
the Center's discretion to determine what particular information
in any given audit is subject to the FOIA exemption. The Center
must withhold the information designated by the appropriate
school board as a security plan or vulnerability assessment
Thank you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been
of assistance.
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
This opinion will rely on the language of Virginia Acts of
Assembly Chapter 801 (2003). This Chapter amends § 22.1-279.8
relating to school safety audits and creates a FOIA exemption
for certain portions of the audits. The amendments found in
Chapter 801 will become effective July 1, 2003.
See Virginia Acts of Assembly Chapter 801 (2003). The exemption
will be at subdivision A 85 of § 2.2-3705 (effective
July 1, 2003).
Thomas v. Commonwealth, 244 Va. 1, 419 S.E. 2d 606 (Va. 1992),
Hudler v. Cole, 236 Va. 389, 374 S.E. 2d 39 (Va. 1988), Va.
Nat'l Bank v. Harris, 220 Va. 336, 257 S.E. 2d 867 (Va. 1979).