3, 2003
Mr. Ben E. Cooper
Member, Town
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your email
of February 7, 2003.
Dear Mr. Cooper:
You have asked a
question relating to the costs a public body may charge a
requester for the production of records under the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
Specifically, you
present a situation in which a town council member asks the
town manager or town clerk to compile certain records for
review, such as reports, letters, invoices, or summaries or
extracts of data. You indicate that the town does not charge
council members for the cost of creating, duplicating or supplying
these records, because the town has a policy of allowing council
members access to all records of local government, unless
prohibited by law. The council members access these records
free of charge, and without having to make a request for documents
pursuant to FOIA. However, you indicate that a citizen or
media representative may request under FOIA the same sets
of records or summaries that have already been compiled for
a council member. You ask if FOIA would allow the town to
charge the requester for the time spent in compiling these
records, in addition to charges for copying, even though the
records were initially created or compiled for a council member.
Subsection F of
§ 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia allows a public body to
make reasonable charges for its actual costs incurred in
accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested
records. No public body shall impose any extraneous, intermediary
or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated
with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general
business of the public body. This office has previously
opined that a public body may not charge a requester for any
costs that are not incidental to the production of the requested
records.1 In the situation you present, records
and summaries are being compiled for council members as part
of the regular course of town business. These general costs
of doing business cannot be passed on a subsequent requester,
who happens to make a FOIA request for the files or summaries
that were previously created for a council member.
In some instances
that you describe, the manager or clerk may research and pull
various existing documents together into one file. Charging
a subsequent requester under FOIA for the time spent compiling
those records would not be incidental to a FOIA request for
a copy of the file. Because the file already existed at the
time of the request, the only charges that would be allowed
under FOIA would be for copying the file, and perhaps the
de minimis time it took the clerk or manager to retrieve the
file. You also indicate that summaries or extracts of information
from other records may be prepared at a council member's request.
Section 2.2-3701 defines a public record as all writings
and recordings…prepared or owned by, or in the possession
of a public body or its officers, employees or agents in the
transaction of public business. Once the town creates
the summary or other new document, it becomes a public record
subject to public inspection and copying like any other record
maintained by the town. FOIA prohibits the general costs associated
with the creation of a record from being passed on to a requester.
To take this analysis
one step further, imagine that records were compiled into
one file or that, at the discretion of the public body, a
summary was created in response to a FOIA request by a citizen
or media representative, and not in response to a request
by a council member.2 In this scenario, the cost
associated with researching and pulling together the various
records or creating the summary could be passed on to the
requester. Those costs would be incidental to the particular
request; i.e., they were steps necessary for the public body
to provide the requested records. However, if a subsequent
requester asked for the same documents at a later date, the
costs of previously creating or compiling the record could
not be passed on. At that point, the file or record would
exist at the time of the request, and that work would not
be incidental to responding to that request.
In conclusion, a
public body can make reasonable charges for its actual cost
incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching
for the requested records. However, these costs must be incidental
to responding to the FOIA request at hand. A public body may
not charge a requester for expenses relating to creating or
maintaining records generally, or for the general costs of
transacting public business. In this case, the town manager
or clerk had already compiled the requested documents for
a council member. The time spent on behalf of the council
member may not be passed on to a subsequent requester who
asked for the same documents under FOIA.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director
See Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 05 (2002).
2 Subsection
D of § 2.2-3704 states that in response to a FOIA request,
no public body shall be required to create a new record
if the record does not already exist. Nonetheless, a public
body would have the discretion to reach an agreement with
the requester to create the record, and the costs associated
with its creation could be passed on to that particular requester.