3, 2003
Mr. Michael Ravnitzky
American Lawyer
District of Columbia
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your email
of February 5, 2003.
Dear Mr. Ravnitzky:
You have asked whether
a list of the names of lawyers admitted to practice law in
the Commonwealth of Virginia would be open for public inspection
and copying under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). You indicate that you requested this list from the
Virginia State Bar (VSB), but were told that such lists were
only available to not-for-profit organizations that conduct
continuing legal education programs in Virginia.
Subsection A of
§ 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia states that [e]xcept
as otherwise specifically provided by law, all public records
shall be open to inspection and copying. Section 2.2-3701
defines a public record to include all writings and recordings…prepared
or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its
officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public
business. The policy provisions of FOIA at subsection
B of § 2.2-3700 require that the provisions of FOIA be
liberally construed, and that any exemption from public access
to records or meetings shall be narrowly construed and no
record shall be withheld…unless specifically made exempt pursuant
to this chapter or other specific provision of law.
Title 54.1 of the
Code of Virginia sets forth the provisions relating to regulatory
boards, including the regulation of attorneys by the VSB at
Subtitle IV (§ 54.1-3900 et seq.) By way of background, VSB
is an administrative agency of the Supreme Court of Virginia
charged with the regulation of the legal profession in the
Commonwealth. All persons licensed to practice law in Virginia
must belong to the VSB and comply with its licensing requirements.
Section 54.1-108 states that official records of any board
named in Title 54.1 shall be subject to FOIA, but examination
questions, papers, booklets and answer sheets, applications
for admission to examinations or for licensures and scoring
records on individual licensees or applicants, and records
of active investigations being conducted by any regulatory
board may be withheld.
In order to withhold
a list of the names of people admitted to practice law in
the Commonwealth, a statute would need to specifically exempt
such a record. In response to your request, VSB indicated
that § 54.1-3918 only allowed a list of attorneys to be released
to a not-for-profit organization that conducted continuing
legal education programs. Section 54.1-3918 states:
When requested,
copies of the Virginia State Bar membership address list
shall be made available to Virginia professional legal
organizations which operate not for profit and which regularly
conduct continuing legal education programs in the Commonwealth.
If specified by the requestor, the list shall be made
available in computer sorted zip code sequence in a mailing
label format suitable for bulk mailing. Lists shall be
provided by the Virginia State Bar on a cost recovery
Each request
for the mailing list shall be made in writing by requesting
organizations to the Executive Director of the Virginia
State Bar. Each request shall state the date the list
is needed by the requestor and each request shall be postmarked
no less than thirty days prior to such date. The cost
of mailing or shipping shall be borne by the requestor.
As mentioned above,
if a statute does not specifically exempt a record from disclosure,
it must be made available for public inspection and copying
under FOIA. The statute cited by the VSB does not set forth
an exemption; instead, it provides that when not-for-profit
organizations that conduct continuing legal education programs
request address lists of members of the VSB, the records must
be provided in a particular format and manner. Section 54.1-3918
does not state that records of members of the VSB shall not
be disclosed but to not-for-profit organizations that conduct
continuing legal education programs, and reading such language
into the section by implication would result in an improperly
broad interpretation of that section. Following FOIA's rules
of construction, and absent specific language indicating that
records may be withheld, an assertion that certain records
must be provided cannot be read conversely to reach the conclusion
that other records need not be provided. It appears that the
VSB must provide a list of the names of attorneys licensed
to practice law in the Commonwealth upon request, because
there is no specific statutory exemption that would allow
such a record to be withheld.
Public policy also
supports the position that a list of licensed attorneys is
a matter of public record. Section 54.1-100 states that every
person has the right to engage in any lawful profession, trade
or occupation, and that the Commonwealth cannot abridge
such rights except as a reasonable exercise of its police
powers when it is clearly found that such an abridgment is
necessary for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare
of the public. By including the practice of law as a regulated
profession, the General Assembly made the decision that it
is in the public's best interest to require licensure and
regulation of attorneys in the Commonwealth. To conclude that
a list of attorneys licensed to practice law is not a matter
of public record runs contrary to the public policy of licensing
attorneys in the first place. The public would not be well
served if it could not access a list of those the Commonwealth
has deemed to be in good standing to practice law, because
the purpose of the licensing requirements is to protect the
public health, safety and welfare.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director