27, 2003
Mr. Daniel K. Mouer
Richmond, Virginia
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your email
of January 2, 2003.
Dear Mr. Mouer:
You have asked whether
you may charge for public records provided in response to
a subpoena just as you would charge for those same records
if they were provided in response to a request under the Virginia
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). You indicate that several
times a year, your office receives a subpoena ordering certain
records to be provided for a court case. In these instances,
you indicate that the City of Richmond, for whom you work,
is not a party to the litigation.
Subsection A of
§ 2.2-3704 of the Code of Virginia states that [e]xcept
as otherwise specifically provided by law, all public records
shall be open to inspection and copying by any citizens of
the Commonwealth. Section 2.2-3701 defines "public records"
to include all writings and recordings…regardless of physical
form or characteristics, prepared or owned by, or in the possession
of a public body or its officers, employees or agents in the
transaction of public business. In applying these two
provisions, it is clear that the records held by the City's
Bureau of Permits and Inspections would be public records
open to inspection and copying unless a specific exemption
FOIA is largely
a procedural act, and it sets forth the procedures and framework
as to how citizens of the Commonwealth and representatives
of the media may request public records, and how public bodies,
officials, and employees must respond to such requests. FOIA
seeks to balance the rights of access and the need of government
to operate efficiently and effectively. One of the tools that
FOIA uses to achieve such a balance is the provision relating
to the charges that a public body may impose for providing
access to records. Subsection F of § 2.2-3704 states that
a public body may make reasonable charges for its actual cost
incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching
for the requested records. Therefore, if an individual
requested records from your office under FOIA, you would be
allowed to charge the requester the actual costs involved
in responding to the request.
In the situation
you present, the records have not been requested by a member
of the public or media contacting your office and asking for
particular records. Instead, you indicate that the records
are requested via a subpoena duces tecum, issued by a court
of the Commonwealth. Subpoenas are issued once parties are
involved in litigation, and are part of the judicial process.
The Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia ("the Rules") set
forth the procedures and framework for litigants to follow.
Subsection (c) of Rule 4:9 states that [u]pon written request
therefore filed with the clerk of the court in which the action
or suit is pending by counsel of record for any party or by
a party having no counsel in any pending case…the clerk shall…issue
to a person not a party therein a subpoena duces tecum which
shall command the person to whom it is directed, or someone
acting on his behalf, to produce the documents and tangible
things designated and described in said request. The rule
makes no mention of payment specifically, but states that
upon written motion promptly made by the person required to
produce the records, the court may quash or modify the subpoena
if it is unreasonable and oppressive or condition denial
of the motion to quash or modify upon the advancement by the
party in whose behalf the subpoena is issued of the reasonable
cost of producing the documents and tangible things so designated
or described. Subsection (d) of Rule 4:9 states that if
a party fails or refuses to obey an order, it may proceed
as provided by Rule 4:12(b)(2), which allows, among other
things, the court to issue an order of contempt.
The Rules do not
provide a specific provision for public bodies that are ordered
to produce records. Instead, if the subpoena requested a burdensome
number of records, the public body's remedy, like any other
private entity that receives a subpoena, would be to petition
the court to quash or modify the order on the grounds that
the request was unreasonable or oppressive.
As stated above,
FOIA governs access to records when requested by a citizen
of the Commonwealth or a representative of the media as part
of their right of access granted under FOIA. However, in the
context of litigation, the Rules govern the procedures for
production of records. A subpoena is a court order commanding
that certain documents be produced. In the context of a subpoena,
a public body would not follow the procedures set forth in
FOIA. Even if the same records could also be accessed by a
citizen or representative of the media pursuant to a FOIA
request, the Rules must be followed once a subpoena has been
issued. Therefore, the provisions related to charges for requested
records under FOIA do not apply when those records are ordered
by a subpoena. The party to whom the subpoena is issued, whether
it be a private entity or a public body, must produce the
records. If the costs associated with the production are unreasonable,
then a motion to quash or modify the subpoena may be filed,
and the court, in response, may order the requesting party
to pay reasonable costs for the production of the records.
The Supreme Court has set forth its own Rules dealing with
the issuing of a subpoena and the response of a party ordered
to produce records. These Rules would supersede any procedures
set forth in FOIA for a general request for access to public
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director