23, 2003
Ms. Tracy Eddy
Chester, Virginia
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your email
of November 20, 2002 and your fax of December 4, 2002.
Dear Ms. Eddy:
You have asked a
question concerning access to records under the Virginia Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) that were the basis of a disciplinary
action against you by your employer, the County of Chesterfield.
You indicate that you were disciplined for sending an "excessive
number of pages" on the County's text paging system. You state
that you were not told the number of pages, the time frame
of the pages, or any other information leading to the conclusion
that your use of the text paging system was excessive.
You made a FOIA
request to your department head, asking for detailed documentation
of all text paging records sent from you to a particular number
and text paging records of all other pages sent by or to you
between November 1, 2001, and September 30, 2002. By way of
background, you indicate that the County stores data related
to text paging usage in an electronic database and that you
asked for records from the database that show the name of
the sender, the Internet protocol address of the sender, the
name of the recipient, the Internet protocal address of the
recipient, the pager number of the recipient, the date of
the page, the time of the page, the full text of the page,
and any other pertinent information related to the page that
is captured by the server. In response to your request, the
county attorney stated that the records were exempt from disclosure
pursuant to subdivision A 8 of § 2.2-3705 of the Code of Virginia
because the records were compiled specifically for use in
an active administrative investigation concerning personnel
matters. Your question is whether you are entitled to all
or any part of the records that you requested.
Subsection A of
§ 2.2-3704 states that [e]xcept as otherwise specifically
provided by law, all public records shall be open to inspection
and copying by any citizens of the Commonwealth. In order
to withhold a record, the custodian must cite a specific statute
that exempts the record from disclosure. Section 2.2-3705
sets forth 81 exemptions that would allow records to be withheld
from public inspection and copying. However, in setting forth
the 81 exemptions, subsection A of § 2.2-3705 states that
the records subject to the exemptions may be disclosed
by the custodian in his discretion, except where such disclosure
is prohibited by law.
In this case, the
County cited subdivision A 8 of § 2.2-3705, which exempts
[l]egal memoranda and other work product compiled specifically
for use in litigation or for use in an active administrative
investigation concerning a matter that is properly the subject
of a closed meeting under § 2.2-3711. Also relevant, although
not mentioned in the County's response, is subdivision A 4
of § 2.2-3705 which exempts from disclosure [p]ersonnel
records containing information concerning identifiable individuals,
except that access shall not be denied to the person who is
the subject thereof. Personnel records are not defined
by FOIA, but the Attorney General of Virginia has opined that
personnel records include records relating to job performance,
job history, and evaluations and similar records maintained
by an agency for its own internal administrative purposes.1
In this case, it appears that records relating to your usage
of the text paging system are personnel records.
At first glance,
it appears that the personnel exemption and the active administrative
investigation exemption are in conflict in the facts that
you present. However, rules of statutory construction dictate
that conflicts between laws should be avoided whenever possible.
The Attorney General has stated that "statutes dealing with
the same subject must be read together to give effect to the
legislative intent. They should not be read in isolation,
but must be construed to produce a harmonious result, giving
effect to all provisions if possible."2
The Attorney General
opined that the exemption for records of active administrative
investigations represents "a legislative intent to permit
an agency to exercise the discretion to deny access generally
to information within an agency's records that, if released,
would hinder investigations of alleged misconduct by government
employees." It is important to note, however, that this interpretation
highlights that the exemption is discretionary -- an agency
has the authority to decide if it wants to apply the exemption
to records that might fall under it. The personnel exemption
is likewise a discretionary exemption. However, the exemption
states that access shall not be denied to the person
who is the subject thereof. (Emphasis added.) While the
personnel exemption is privacy based, protecting employees
from the public disclosure of personal information, the exemption
also recognizes the important need of the individual employee
to access her own records. The use of the word "shall" indicates
that while the agency has discretion to withhold personnel
records when requested by the public, it must release personnel
records to the subject thereof. The law does not leave room
for discretion if the person who is the subject of the records
makes the request.
Reading these two
provisions together, it appears that even if the requested
records were compiled specifically for use in an active administrative
investigation, the portion of the records pertaining to an
identifiable employee must be released to that employee upon
request. In this case, the County was able to conduct an administrative
investigation unhindered by the public release of records
during the course of the investigation. However, once that
investigation unearthed alleged misconduct that led to disciplinary
action against you, you had the right to access the portion
of the records that pertained specifically to you. If a third
party asks for the same records, the County may be able to
properly withhold them. 3 Likewise, if portions
of the records related to you also include information about
other identifiable employees, the County could properly redact
out that information in response to your request, citing the
personnel exemption, in order to protect the privacy of other
In conclusion, it
appears that you are entitled to receive at least some of
the records that you requested. You would be entitled to the
records relating to the text pages that you sent and received.
However, if any of the requested records also contained information
about other identifiable employees, the Department may, but
is not required to, redact out the information pertaining
to other individuals.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director
See 1983-84 Op. Atty. Gen. Va. 280. See also 1991 Op. Atty.
Gen. Va. 9.
2 1993
Op. Atty. Gen. Va. 135. See also Prillman v. Commonwealth,
199 Va. 401, 405, 100 S.E. 2d 4, 7 (1957), 2001 Op. Atty.
Gen. Va. 49.
3 The
question posed to this office was whether you were entitled
to receive a copy of those records that led to the disciplinary
action, and not whether the general public was entitled to
these records. Therefore, it was unnecessary to analyze whether
the exemption at subdivision A 8 of § 2.2-3705 properly applies
to these records generally, since the inquiry could be answered
based on the application of the personnel exemption at subdivision
A 4 of § 2.2-3705. This opinion cannot be interpreted to hold
that the requested records were or were not records compiled
specifically for use in an active administrative investigation
concerning a matter that is properly the subject of a closed
meeting under § 2.2-3711; instead, this opinion is limited
to this specific factual scenario in which an employee sought
her own personnel records.