30, 2001
Mr. Christopher
A. Corbett
Stuart, VA
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your correspondence
of September 7, 2001.
Dear Mr. Corbett:
You have asked whether,
based on the following facts, a local nonprofit hospital would
be considered a public body as defined by the Virginia Freedom
of Information Act (FOIA) and therefore subject to the provisions
of FOIA. You indicated that a local industrial development
authority (IDA) has agreed to extend a line of credit to a
local hospital upon certain conditions. One condition is that
the current directors resign and the County Board of Supervisors
("the Board") appoint a new slate of directors. The hospital
bylaws authorizes the Board to reappoint the directors but
not remove them.
Section 2.2-3701
of the Code of Virginia defines a "public body" as
any legislative body; any authority, board, bureau, commission,
district or agency of the Commonwealth or of any political
subdivision of the Commonwealth, including cities, towns and
counties; municipal councils, governing bodies of counties,
school boards and planning commissions; boards of visitors
of public institutions of higher education; and other organizations,
corporations or agencies in the Commonwealth supported wholly
or principally by public funds. It shall include any committee,
subcommittee, or other entity however designated, of the public
body created to perform delegated functions of the public
body or to advise the public body. It shall not exclude any
such committee, subcommittee or entity because it has private
sector or citizen members.
Although the nonprofit
hospital does not fit into one of the enumerated entities
under FOIA, there are two remaining possibilities that might
make the hospital a public body under the definition. The
first relates to the extension of the line of credit from
the IDA, clearly, a public body under FOIA. The second relates
to the Board's control over the appointments of the hospital's
board of directors. Each question will be addressed below.
The first possibility
that might make the hospital a public body will depend on
whether the hospital is supported wholly or principally
by public funds. Here, your facts indicate the hospital
is obtaining a line of credit from the IDA. The IDA, by statute,
is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth1.
While the funds obtained from the IDA are clearly public funds,
the extension of a line of credit does not rise to the level
of wholly or principally supported by public funds, as these
funds must be repaid to satisfy the loan.
Section 15.2-4901
states the IDA was created to acquire, own, lease, and
dispose of properties and make loans to the end that
such authorities may be able to promote industry and develop
trade by inducing manufacturing, industrial, governmental,
nonprofit and commercial enterprises and institutions
of higher education to locate in or remain in this Commonwealth.
(Emphasis added.) The statute also grants the IDA the necessary
powers with respect to medical facilities and facilities
for the residence or care of the aged to the end that such
authorities may protect and promote the health and welfare
of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth by assisting in
the acquisition, construction, equipping, expansion, enlargement
and improvement of medical facilities. (Emphasis added.)
In short, the statute delegates authority to an IDA to
loan money to private enterprises, including hospitals, to
promote industry. This line of credit does not make the hospital
a public body because the IDA is fulfilling its statutory
obligations by extending a loan to a private entity, in this
case a hospital.
Secondly, the hospital
may be a public body if it was created to perform a
delegated function of [a] public body or to advise [a] public
body." (Emphasis added). Section 15.2-403 states
the Board shall be the policy-determining body of
the county. You have stated that the hospital's directors
will be removed and reappointed by the Board. Based upon your
facts presented, the sole reason the Board is involved in
the removal of the hospital's directors is because the IDA
conditioned its line of credit upon the Board taking such
action. Nothing in your facts indicates the hospital is performing
any of the Board's policy-making functions or acting as the
Board's advisor. The removal and reappointment of the hospital's
directors by the Board does not make the hospital a public
In conclusion, the
hospital's line of credit obtained from the IDA is not enough
to establish that the hospital is supported wholly or principally
by public funds. Furthermore, the Board's authority, which
will consist of the reappointing of the hospital's directors
upon the existing directors resigning, neither makes the hospital
perform delegated functions of the Board nor provide advice
to a public body. Thus, the hospital does not fit any part
of the definition of "public body" and in turn is not subject
to the requirements of FOIA.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director
See Subsection B of § 15.2-4903.