13, 2001
Mr. George T. Keller
Clifton Forge, Virginia
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your correspondence
of May 30 and July 5, 2001.
Dear Mr. Keller:
You have asked a
series of questions concerning the conduct of your local Board
of Supervisors ("the Board) under the Virginia Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). Your first question concerns the selection
of a new county administrator in closed session. Your second
question asks about the sufficiency of a motion by the Board
to convene in closed session. Your final question is a more
general question as to what constitutes the discussion of
public business for the purposes of FOIA.
You indicate that
the Board convened in closed session to discuss the selection
of a new county administrator. Upon reconvening in open meeting,
the Board certified the closed session as required by subsection
D of § 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia, and voted that they
had reached an informal agreement as to whom they would offer
the job, but did not indicate the name of the selected individual.
The Board announced that a press conference would be held
immediately prior to the next Board meeting, at which the
selected candidate would be introduced. At the press conference,
the Board announced the name of the new county administrator.
At the open meeting held immediately after the press conference,
the Board formally voted to hire the named individual as the
new county administrator. You ask whether the procedures used
by the Board in selecting and announcing the new hire were
proper under FOIA. Specifically, you ask if whether an improper
vote took place during a closed session to select the new
county administrator.
Generally, § 2.1-343.2
requires that all votes must be taken in an open session.
The provision states that [u]nless otherwise specifically
provided by law, no vote of any kind of the membership, or
any part thereof, of any public body shall be taken to authorize
the transaction of any public business, other than a vote
taken at a meeting conducted in accordance with the provisions
of this chapter. However, subsection B of § 2.1-344 states
that [n]o resolution, ordinance, rule, contract, regulation
or motion adopted, passed or agreed to in a closed meeting
shall become effective unless the public body, following the
meeting, reconvenes in open meeting and takes a vote of the
membership on such resolution, ordinance, rule, contract,
regulation or motion which shall have its substance reasonably
identified in the open meeting. It is apparent from this
provision that the law recognizes that in the discussion of
a topic appropriate for a closed meeting, it may be necessary
for the members of the public body to reach an informal consensus
or agreement while still in closed session. However, such
agreement will not become an official action of the public
body until a vote is taken in open meeting, following the
voting procedures set forth in FOIA. Thus, the law does not
prohibit a public body from reaching a consensus on an issue
while still in closed session; instead, it requires that if
a consensus is reached during a closed meeting, the public
body still must vote on the issue in public to make it official.
In applying these
procedures to the facts that you have presented, it would
appear that the Board did not violate FOIA by agreeing in
closed session as to whom to offer the job of county administrator.
When the Board announced the new county administrator at the
press conference, the selection had not yet been made official
because they had not yet held a public vote. However, the
Board cured this problem when it voted to hire the new administrator
at the meeting immediately following the press conference.
While the timing in this fact scenario was not ideal, there
was no violation of FOIA based simply upon the fact that the
Board reached an agreement in closed session. Again, however,
all agreements reached in a closed session must be voted on
in an open meeting in order to become official.
Your second question
relates to the sufficiency of a motion of the Board to go
into closed session. The motion in the minutes of the meeting,
which you provided, reads, "Closed meeting pursuant to Section
2.1-344(1) and (3) of the Code of Virginia for the
purpose of discussing personnel matters and property acquisition."
Subsection A of § 2.1-344.1 states that:
No closed
meeting shall be held unless the public body proposing
to convene such meeting has taken an affirmative recorded
vote in open meeting approving the motion which (i) identifies
the subject matter, (ii) states the purpose of the meeting
and (iii) makes specific reference to the applicable exemption
from open meeting requirements provided in § 2.1-343 or
subsection A of § 2.1-344 ... A general reference to the
provisions of this chapter, the authorized exemptions
from open meeting requirements, or the subject matter
of the closed meeting shall not be sufficient to satisfy
the requirements for holding a closed meeting.
As can be seen from
this provision, a motion to go into closed session must contain
three elements: the subject, the purpose, and the specific
statutory citation allowing the exemption. The motion that
you question has provided two of these three elements. It
has stated the purpose -- personnel matters and property acquisition
-- and the specific Code provisions that exempt these subjects
from the open meeting requirements. However, the motion has
failed to state the subject matter of the closed session.
The motion includes only a general reference stating that
the closed session will be used to discuss personnel matters
and property acquisition, which by statute is insufficient
for a motion. As the Freedom of Information Advisory Council
has previously opined, how specific the statement must be
depends upon the situation.1 The personnel exemption,
for example, encompasses a number of different types of discussions
such as employment, promotion, or discipline. Thus, the subject
matter of the meeting could be described, by way of example,
as a discussion of the hiring of a new county administrator
or the discipline of an employee of the Board. Neither of
these subject matter statements give away so much information
as to defeat the purpose of holding the closed session, yet
the statements provide the public with some guidance as to
the business being conducted behind closed doors. In order
to meet the requirements of subsection A of § 2.1-344.1, the
Board would need to provide a more detailed motion to go into
closed session that includes all three of the elements required
by law.
Your final question
is a more general question as to what constitutes the discussion
of public business for the purposes of FOIA. You ask whether
it is proper for the county administrator or Board chairman
to discuss issues of public business with other members of
the Board over the telephone or in small groups. You indicate
that you think that members of the Board use these means to
reach a consensus on issues even before they are placed on
the agenda for an open meeting, and that public input is thus
being eliminated from the decision-making process.
Section 2.1-341
defines a meeting as a gathering of (i) as many as three
members or (ii) a quorum, if less than three, of the constituent
membership of a public body. Thus, a gathering of two
members of the Board with the county administrator, for example,
would not be considered a meeting under FOIA even if public
business were discussed. Please note, however, that FOIA defines
a public body to include a committee or subcommittee of
the public body created to perform delegated functions of
the public body or to advise the public body. Thus, a
committee comprised of three members of the Board would be
considered a public body separate from the Board itself. According
to the definition of a meeting, a gathering of two of the
three members of the committee would constitute a quorum and
would be considered a meeting if public business of the committee
were discussed. In such a circumstance, a gathering of the
two members with the county administrator might constitute
a meeting under FOIA that would be subject to the open meeting
In your question,
you also draw attention to § 2.1-343.2, which allows members
of a public body to separately contact each other to ascertain
a member's position with respect to the transaction of public
business, so long as the contact does not constitute a meeting.
Thus, one member could contact another member to ascertain
how the other will vote on an issue of public business to
be discussed at an upcoming meeting without violating the
provisions of FOIA. This provision alludes to the balance
that FOIA seeks to achieve between allowing the public to
witness the workings of government while at the same time
allowing government to operate efficiently and effectively.
So long as none of the contact that you have described in
your question falls under the definition of a meeting, it
is not prohibited by FOIA.
As an aside to this
question, you indicate that you think that the practices discussed
above limit public input to public business, because issues
appear to have already been decided by the time they are brought
up at public meetings. This aspect of your question is not
related to FOIA. The policy of FOIA, set forth at § 2.1-340.1,
states that FOIA ensures the people of the Commonwealth
... free entry to meetings of public bodies wherein the business
of the people is being conducted. Thus, FOIA is concerned
more with allowing the public to witness the workings of government
than with allowing participation in government. In fact, FOIA
does not speak at all to public participation in meetings
of public bodies. There are several provisions within Title
15.2 of the Code, relating to the administration of local
government, that require governing bodies to conduct public
hearings on certain issues. In addition, if you do not agree
with how your representative on the Board is conducting public
business, your remedy would be to vote for another candidate
at election time, or possibly even run for local office yourself.
This, however, is beyond the scope of FOIA.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director
Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 14 (2001).