24, 2001
Mr. J. David Griffin
Winchester, Virginia
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your correspondence
of May 21, 2001, and information concerning the New Market
Financial Control Board acquired from the attorney of the
Town of New Market.
Dear Mr. Griffin:
You have asked a
series of questions concerning the Virginia Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA). Your first three questions relate to the application
of FOIA to the New Market Financial Control Board ("Control
Board"), which was established to control the finances of
the town's volunteer fire company. Your fourth question concerns
access to documents used by the Town Council's ("Council")
finance committee to prepare a budget proposal for the full
Council's review.
You advised by way
of background that the town's volunteer fire company was experiencing
financial difficulties. To help resolve the fire company's
financial difficulties, the fire company and the bank (the
mortgage holder of the fire company's deed of trust) agreed
to the establishment of the Control Board to help manage the
fire company's finances, and this agreement was subsequently
approved by the Council. The agreement created a six-person
board, consisting of a member of the Council, a member of
the county board of supervisors, a member of the fire company,
and three citizens. The agreement requires that the Control
Board meet at least monthly, keep minutes of its meetings,
make reports to the Council and to the County Board of Supervisors,
develop an annual budget, and oversee paving of the fire company's
parking lot. Furthermore, the agreement gives the town treasurer
the responsibility of maintaining the fire company's financial
records, although a fire company representative still signs
the checks. In order to spend more than $250, the fire company
must seek approval of the Control Board.
First, you ask whether
meetings of the Control Board are subject to FOIA. The answer
to this question hinges on whether the Control Board or the
volunteer fire company is a public body as defined in FOIA.
Section 2.1-341 defines a public body as any legislative
body; any authority, board, bureau, commission, district or
agency of the Commonwealth or of any political subdivision
of the Commonwealth, including cities, towns and counties;
municipal councils, governing bodies of counties, school boards
and planning commissions; boards of visitors of public institutions
of higher education; and other organizations, corporations
or agencies in the Commonwealth supported wholly or principally
by public funds. It shall include any committee or subcommittee
of the public body created to perform delegated functions
of the public body or to advise the public body.
Based upon the agreement
creating the Control Board, it does not appear to be a public
body. The facts do not indicate that it is supported wholly
or principally by public funds, nor do the facts indicate
that it could be characterized as a subcommittee of the Council
because it is not performing a delegated function or advising
the Council. At most, it appears that the Control Board acts
on its own to control the finances of the fire company, and
updates the Council as to its activities.
Furthermore, the
volunteer fire company does not appear to be a public body.
Pursuant to § 27-8.1, a fire company is a volunteer fire-fighting
organization comprised of a group of not less than 20 individuals
who form themselves into a company for extinguishing
fires. Unless such a volunteer group is supported wholly or
principally by public funds, it would not constitute a public
body. Based upon the facts presented, it appears that the
fire company receives some money from the Council, but that
the Council is not the primary source of funds. Therefore,
because neither the Control Board nor the volunteer fire company
appears to fit within the definition of a public body, the
meetings of the Control Board are not subject to FOIA, and
are thus not required to be open to the public.
Second, you ask
whether minutes of the Control Board meetings are public documents
that must be kept by the Council. FOIA defines a public record
at § 2.1-341 to include all writings and recordings...prepared
or owned by, or in the possession of a public body or its
officers, employees or agents in the transaction of public
business. Based upon the response to your first question
-- the Control Board is not a public body -- FOIA does not
require that the minutes of its meetings be open for inspection
by the public. Furthermore, there is no requirement that the
Council maintain possession of such records because the Control
Board is not a committee of the Council. However, should a
copy of the minutes of Control Board meetings come into the
possession of the town council, such as when the Control Board
makes a report to the town council concerning its activities,
then such minutes would become public records of the Council,
and would be subject to FOIA.
Third, you ask whether
the town treasurer may withhold from public access the fire
company's financial records in its possession. Subdivision
A. 2. of § 2.1-342.01 exempts [s]tate income, business,
and estate tax returns, personal property tax returns, scholastic
and confidential records held pursuant to § 58.1-3. Subsection
A of § 58.1-3 requires that the treasurer, or any other
state or local tax or revenue officer or employee, or any
former officer or employee of any of the aforementioned offices
shall not divulge any information acquired by him in the performance
of his duties with respect to the transactions, property,
including personal property, income or business of any person,
firm or corporation. The financial records of the fire
company, maintained by the treasurer in the performance of
his duties, would fall under this provision, and thus may
not be released.
Your final question
does not involve the fire company, but instead relates to
documents in the possession of the Council's finance committee.
You indicate that a reporter whom you represent was provided
with a copy of the draft budget prepared by the finance committee.
However, the committee declined to provide him with copies
of supporting documents that it used to create the draft.
The reporter was told that he would be able to obtain the
supporting documents when they were provided to the full Council
for consideration of the budget. You allege that the reporter
was told that if he wished to obtain documents presented to
an operating committee, in advance of the documents being
presented to the full Council, the request must be made in
writing and the committee may take up to 10 days to respond.
Initially, the reporter
was told he could only access the supporting documents when
they were provided to the full Council. As stated in response
to your first questions, a public record is defined as all
writings...in the possession of a public body or its officers.
A public body includes any committee or subcommittee of
the public body created to perform delegated functions of
the public body or to advise the public body. This committee
is clearly a public body, because one function of the Council
is to create a budget. Therefore, any documents in the possession
of the committee are public records that must be disclosed
unless subject to an exemption. Subsection B of § 2.1-342
requires that the custodian of the requested records shall
respond to the request promptly, but in all cases within five
working days. If a public body finds that it is practically
impossible to respond within these five days, subdivision
B. 4. of § 2.1-342 allows a public body to notify the requestor
in writing of the conditions that make a response practically
impossible. The public body will then have seven additional
working days in which to respond to the request. Thus, a public
body could have up to 12 working days to respond. It makes
no difference that these records have not yet been provided
to all of the members of the Council; the procedures set forth
in FOIA for responding to records requests apply to records
of public bodies, as well as their committees and subcommittees.
In addition to the
question of the timing of a response to a request, your fourth
question also raises the issue of whether a public body may
require a request to be put in writing. FOIA does not include
a requirement that a request be made in writing. Subsection
B of § 2.1-342 only requires that a request for public
records identify the requested records with reasonable specificity,
and states that the request need not make reference to FOIA
in order to invoke its protections. Construing FOIA liberally,
as is required by § 2.1-340.1, a public body may ask that
a request be put in writing; however, a public body may not
require that a request be in writing, nor may it fail to respond
to a request simply because it has not been reduced to writing.
Applying these procedures
to the request for the supporting budget documents, the Council
must respond within five working days to the request. One
of the proper responses may be to ask for an additional seven
working days if it is practically impossible to respond within
five. The request for the documents need not be in writing,
and it makes no difference that the requested documents have
not yet been provided to the full Council.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director