27, 2001
Mr. J. Carlton Courter,
III, Commissioner
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Richmond, VA
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your letter
of March 20, 2001.
Dear Mr. Courter:
You have asked two
questions about the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
concerning FOIA requests for records maintained by the Virginia
Marine Products Board ("the Board"), a division of the Department
of Agriculture and Consumer Services ("the Department"). Your
first question involves a dispute over fees charged for searching
for records in response to a FOIA request. Your second question
involves a subsequent FOIA request by the same requestor,
and asks about the Department's obligations to respond to
the request while disputes remain over the costs incurred
in response to the first request.
As background to
your first question, you indicate that an individual made
a written FOIA request to the Board on December 20, 2000.
The requestor asked for various records relating to the Virginia
Watermen Calendar produced by the Board. The request asked
for five general categories of records, each with more specific
subcategories, relating to the calendar, including records
addressing editorial content, costs, revenues, distribution,
and any documents that might indicate consumer confusion between
the Board's calendar and a privately produced calendar of
a similar name. The requestor specifically noted that he wished
to view all records that fit the descriptions set forth in
his request, including handwritten notes or telephone messages.
The requestor also asked that the Board not make copies of
these records, as he wished to wait and see how voluminous
the records were before deciding whether or not to pay for
copies to be made.
In response to the
request, the Board asked in writing for seven additional working
days to provide the records, as is permitted by subdivision
A. 4. of § 2.1-342 of the Code of Virginia when it is not
practically possible to provide the records within five working
days. On January 11, 2001, the Department notified the requestor
that the records he requested were ready for inspection. The
Department indicated that while it had not made copies of
the records, the search time incurred in responding to the
request resulted in a cost of $530, and that any copies the
requestor wished to make would cost $0.15 per page.
You indicate that
a dispute ensued over the charge of $530 for the search. The
requestor asked for clarification of how the fee was calculated
and asked that this fee be waived. He questioned whether this
fee was a reasonable charge for the actual cost incurred in
searching for the records, as allowed by subsection F of §
2.1-342. Your written response explained that the FOIA request
was voluminous and covered numerous specific documents. You
stated that the charge was the actual cost incurred by the
Department in searching for the requested records. Thirty
hours of staff time at $13.80 per hour and four hours of staff
time at $29 per hour were spent in searching for the records,
for a total of $530. The requestor still was not satisfied
that these were actual and reasonable costs, and questioned
why the search required 34 hours of staff time. You indicate
that the $530 has not been paid, and that the requestor has
not yet inspected the documents. You ask whether the Department
owes any further explanation to the requestor concerning the
search costs.
Subsection F of
§ 2.1-342 states that [a] public body may make reasonable
charges for its actual cost incurred in accessing, duplicating,
supplying, or searching for the requested records. The
provision further states that [n]o public body shall impose
any extraneous, intermediary or surplus fees or expenses to
recoup the general costs associated with creating or maintaining
records or transacting the general business of the public
body. Upon review of the correspondence between the Department
and the requestor, it appears that you have adequately explained
the cost of the search. The original request was voluminous,
and you broke down the cost per hour of the time expended
in response to the request. Staff time spent responding to
a request would be an actual cost that a public body may charge
the requestor. Whether or not the actual cost is also reasonable
is a question for the courts, and not for this office. The
law does not require that a public body make a detailed explanation
of how the search was conducted.
Your second question
stems from this first fact scenario. As stated above, the
requestor did not find the Department's explanation concerning
the search costs to be adequate. In response, he filed a second
FOIA request, asking generally about the Department and the
Board's responses to other FOIA requests. Specifically, the
requestor asks about the search fees that the Department and
the Board charged for other FOIA requests within the past
four years, as well as the number of requests where no fees
were imposed. The requestor noted that he did not necessarily
seek actual documents, but simply wanted answers to his questions.
Please note that FOIA provides a right of access to documents,
but not to information. Subsection A of § 2.1-342 requires
that all public records must be open to inspection and
copying. To the extent that the Department has documents
pertaining to his request, they must be provided. However,
subsection D of § 2.1-342 states that no public body shall
be required to create a new record if the record does not
already exist. However, a public body may abstract or summarize
information under such terms and conditions as agreed between
the requester and the public body.
The requestor also
asked that you provide him with an estimate for costs prior
to beginning the search. You responded that such a request
would require a time-consuming search through the various
units of your agency, and that until the requestor paid for
the costs associated with the first FOIA request, you would
not begin the search. You ask if you are required to provide
any additional information to the requestor.
The law does not
specifically address the situation that you have presented,
where money is owed for one request when another request is
made by the same person. As such, each FOIA request must be
treated separately, and one of the four statutory responses
set forth in subsection B of § 2.1-342 must be provided to
the requestor. Pursuant to this section, a public body must,
within five working days of receiving the request, (1) provide
the records; (2) withhold the records pursuant to a specific
exemption in the law; (3) provide the records in part and
withhold the records in part if a specific exemption applies
to only a portion of the records; or (4) respond in writing
that it is not practically possible to respond within five
working days, in which case the public body will have an additional
seven working days to fill the request. Declining to respond
to the request due to an outstanding payment for a separate
request is not authorized under the law.
However, subsection
F of § 2.1-342 does allow a public body to require a requestor
to pay a deposit if the public body estimates that it will
cost more than $200 to respond to the request. The deposit
may not exceed the amount of the estimate. If a public body
requires a deposit, the public body may, before continuing
to process the request, require the requestor to agree to
payment of a deposit.
In conclusion, it
would appear that the Department does not owe the requestor
any further explanation of the cost for the search time in
response to the first FOIA request, although the Department
may make further explanation if it wishes. However, the second
FOIA request, although stemming from the first, must be treated
as a separate and distinct request. Therefore, the Department
may not make response to the second request contingent upon
payment for the first. The Department may, however, require
a deposit before conducting the second search if it estimates
that the actual cost of search will be more than $200.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director