26, 2001
Mr. Thomas J. McKeigue
Midlothian, VA
The staff of
the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is authorized
to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory opinion
is based solely upon the information presented in your letter
of February 4, 2001.
Dear Mr. McKeigue:
You have asked whether
a list of the names and addresses of holders of a Virginia
concealed handgun permit ("permit") is a public record available
from the State Police pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA). In order to obtain a permit, an individual
must apply at a Virginia circuit court. Upon favorable review
of the application and required background checks, the court
will issue an order for the permit. Subsection K of § 18.2-308
of the Code of Virginia requires that a copy of the order
be forwarded to the Virginia State Police for entry into its
communications system known as the Virginia Criminal Information
Network (VCIN).
By way of background
to your question, you indicate that you possess a concealed
handgun permit. In the past several months, you have received
solicitations and political announcements addressed to "Virginia
Gun Owner" and "Concealed Handgun Permit Holder." In an effort
to determine how these solicitors obtained your name and address,
you contacted the court that issued your permit. You state
that the clerk's office told you that it no longer makes public
the names of permit holders, but suggested that you contact
the State Police because they also maintain that information.
Upon inquiry to the State Police, you discovered that they
consider the names and addresses of permit holders to be a
matter of public record available under FOIA.
In addition to asking
generally whether the police are correct in classifying this
information as a public record, you have also asked two specific
questions concerning interpretations of FOIA that you believe
would allow the list to be withheld. Your first question focuses
on the nature of the information contained within VCIN. You
assert that the permit information, along with other information
in VCIN, is intended to be used by law-enforcement personnel
for investigative purposes. As such, you ask whether access
to this information could be restricted only to law-enforcement
personnel. Alternatively, you ask if the permit information
could be considered a noncriminal incident or other investigative
report that contains identifying information of a personal
nature, and thus may be exempted pursuant to subdivision G.
1. of § 2.1-342.2 of FOIA.
Pursuant to subsection
A of § 2.1-342, all public records are open for inspection
except as otherwise specifically provided by law. FOIA
policy dictates that all public records shall be presumed
to be open. In furthering this policy of openness, § 2.1-340.1
states that the provisions of FOIA must be liberally construed,
and the exemptions must be narrowly construed. Upon review
of the FOIA exemptions as well as portions of the Code of
Virginia addressing permits, no exemptions appear to apply
to a list of the names and addresses of permit holders. As
such, FOIA requires that these records be open for inspection
and copying.
Turning to your
specific questions, you first ask whether the permit information
may be withheld because it is sent to the State Police for
entry into VCIN, and information in VCIN is primarily used
by law-enforcement personnel for investigative purposes. You
ask if access to VCIN records should be restricted to law-enforcement
personnel, its intended users. FOIA does exempt records related
to criminal investigations or prosecutions at subdivision
F. 1. of § 2.1-342.2. However, construing this exemption narrowly
as required by law, such an exemption would not apply to records
simply because they might at some point be involved in a criminal
investigation. Instead, this exemption would apply to records
currently being used by law-enforcement personnel to investigate
a crime. A record maintained in VCIN might become exempt from
FOIA if it is indeed related to a particular investigation,
but the mere fact that it is maintained in VCIN does not make
it subject to the exemption. In addition, there are no provisions
in either FOIA or the Code of Virginia that limit the distribution
of records in VCIN to only law-enforcement personnel. To read
such a requirement into the law would violate the mandate
of FOIA that all records must be made available to the public
except as otherwise specifically provided by law.
Alternatively, you
suggest that a list of the names and addresses of permit holders
should be exempt as a noncriminal incident report. Generally,
subsection G of § 2.1-342.2 requires that all records kept
by law-enforcement agencies pursuant to § 15.2-1722 be open
under FOIA. However, subdivision G. 1. of § 2.1-342.2 allows
law-enforcement agencies to withhold portions of noncriminal
incident or other investigative reports or materials containing
identifying information of a personal, medical or financial
nature provided to a law-enforcement agency where the release
of such information would jeopardize the safety or privacy
of any person. While FOIA does not define "noncriminal
incident report," subsection B of § 15.2-1722 provides that
"noncriminal incidents records" means compilations of noncriminal
occurrences of general interest to law-enforcement agencies,
such as missing persons, lost and found property, suicides
and accidental deaths. This definition indicates that
it covers certain records relating to an event investigated
by law-enforcement personnel that does not necessarily constitute
a crime, as seen from the examples of a missing person or
an accidental death. Following the policy of FOIA to construe
all exemptions narrowly, a list of the holders of permits
issued by a court does not fit this definition. While information
concerning a permit holder could, in some instances, become
a part of a law-enforcement investigation, and as a result
may become subject to this exemption, by itself a list of
permit holders unrelated to a specific event or occurrence
would not be included in the scope of this exemption.
In conclusion, no
specific statutory exemptions apply to a list of the names
and addresses of permit holders that would allow it to be
withheld under FOIA. In light of the stated policy of FOIA
to narrowly construe all exemptions and to liberally construe
the provisions of the law, the list of permit holders is a
public record open for inspection and copying under FOIA,
and was properly released by the State Police.
Thank you for contacting
this office. I hope that I have been of assistance.
Maria J.K. Everett
Executive Director