19, 2010
USA Today
McLean, Virginia
The staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council
is authorized to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff
advisory opinion is based solely upon the information presented
in your electronic mail of October 22, 2010.
Mr. Vergano:
have asked two questions in regard to the responses you received
to a records request you made to George Mason University (the
University) under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA). One question was in regard to whether the requested
records are in fact public records the University must disclose
under FOIA, and the other concerned the extent of the search
performed by the University in responding to your request.
As background, you requested "copies of information and
documentary materials, including electronic mail and other
communication" related to a climate change report authored
by two University professors that was commissioned by the
United States Congress in 2005 and released in 2006. You restricted
the search by date to cover September 1, 2005 to the present.
You specifically requested "background material for the
report [that] was provided by a [named] political staffer."
The University responded that it did not have the records
you sought. The University did provide other documents that
indicated that both professors did not use any University
facilities, equipment, or resources in performing the work
at issue, but instead worked on a pro bono basis at personal
expense without state or federal funding. One professor also
mentioned that his correspondence regarding the report was
not handled through the University electronic mail system,
and that the earliest electronic mail message the professor
retained on the University system was dated July 20, 2009
(years after the report in question was issued). You were
also provided a copy of an electronic mail message dated August
12, 2010 that was received by one of the professors on his
University account, apparently because the named political
staffer was also included in the distribution of that message.
to your questions, you asked whether the records you requested
are related to the transaction of public business and therefore
subject to release under FOIA, given that the professors were
identified in the report as University professors, the report
was commissioned by a public body, and that the issue in question
is of high public interest. As previously stated by this office,
the general policy of FOIA expressed in § 2.2-3700 is
to ensure ready access to public records in the custody
of a public body or its officers and employees....The affairs
of government are not intended to be conducted in an atmosphere
of secrecy since at all times the public is to be the beneficiary
of any action taken at any level of government. The definition
of public record set forth in § 2.2-3701 includes
all writings and recordings ... however stored, and regardless
of physical form or characteristics, prepared or owned by,
or in the possession of a public body or its officers, employees
or agents in the transaction of public business. There
is no doubt that the University, as a public institution of
higher education established by the General Assembly, is a
public body, and by extension, there is no question that a
University professor is a public employee. Therefore any records
prepared or owned by, or in the possession of a University
professor are public records under FOIA if they are
in the transaction of public business. However, as stated
in the first opinion published by this office, the phrase
in the transaction of public business is not defined
in FOIA. In examining a similar issue, that opinion stated
that electronic mail messages between members of a public
body that are not related to the transaction of public business
are not public records under FOIA, and therefore
are not subject to its mandatory disclosure requirements.
The fact that electronic mail messages go through a government
agency’s electronic mail database does not, by itself,
make them public records. It is also the subject
of those electronic mail messages that determines their status
as public records.1
circumstances you have presented are somewhat different from
those in past opinions in that the professors assert they
did not use the University's electronic mail system or other
University resources or facilities in performing the work
at issue. Accepting that assertion at face value, it still
is not controlling in deciding whether the records in question
are in fact public records subject to FOIA. Even
if the professors only used personal electronic mail accounts
and privately owned equipment in generating the records, the
records could still be public records subject to
FOIA because the professors are public employees, the records
were prepared and possessed by them, and
may have been in the transaction of public business.
The final determination again depends on the subject matter
or content of the records in question: were they in fact prepared
in the transaction of public business? In this case,
based on the facts you presented, the report was commissioned
by and presented to Congress, not by the University. The professors
and the University have asserted in the response to your request
that the work performed was not part of the professors' duties
at the University. Therefore the records are not in the transaction
of the University's or the professors' public business.
have noted that the work is of great public interest and was
commissioned by a public body, which, based on the background
provided, appears to be Congress. Given that background, it
would appear that the work in question may have been performed
in the transaction of public business, but again, it appears
to be the transaction of the public business of Congress,
not of the University. This situation highlights the fact
that under Virginia FOIA, a public body is responsible for
providing the records it uses in the transaction of its own
public business. As the requested records do not appear to
concern or relate to the transaction of the public business
of the University, they would not be public records
of the University.2
also asked whether the University is required under FOIA to
perform a search of its own electronic mail servers, as opposed
to relying on the professors to provide any responsive records,
given that it appears that the University asked the professors
to provide responsive records but did not perform an independent
search. FOIA does not specify the extent to which a public
body must search for records in response to a request. Our
research did not reveal any published opinions of the Virginia
courts, Attorney General, or this office directly addressing
this issue. However, in addressing the costs of a search,3
this office noted in a prior opinion that the law does not
require that a public body make a detailed explanation of
how the search was conducted.4 Also addressing
charges, the Attorney General has opined that
that the actual time and effort expended are reasonable
under the circumstances, a "reasonable charge"
is that which quantifies such time and effort. Factors to
be taken into account in determining such costs include
but are not limited to: number of hours reasonably necessary
to compile, copy and assemble documents, cost of computer
time used and costs of reproducing the records.5
As the
circumstances of a search may vary depending on any number
of factors, such as the nature and scope of the request, the
volume of records being requested, the age of the records,
the media upon which the records are recorded and the manner
in which they are kept, there can be no bright-line rule setting
forth exact requirements for every search.6 Questions of reasonableness
are matters for the courts to decide. I would also note that
if the extent of a search becomes an issue in litigation,
it is within the powers of a court to order a public body
to perform a search and to delineate the parameters of that
FOIA states that [a]ll public records and meetings shall
be presumed open, unless an exemption is properly invoked
as a matter of policy in § 2.2-3700. Implementing that
policy, FOIA imposes a legal duty on the custodian of public
records to respond to requests under subsection B of §
2.2-3704. One of the responses allowed is for the custodian
to inform the requester that the records cannot be found or
do not exist. As previously noted, FOIA also allows a public
body to make reasonable charges not to exceed the actual cost
of searching for records. As the Supreme Court of Virginia
has stated, the law never presumes that a man will violate
the law. Rather, the ancient presumption is that every man
will obey the law....a similar presumption follows the public
official into his office.8 Considering the policy of FOIA,
the legal duties it imposes, and the presumption that public
officials will obey the law in carrying out their duties,
therefore, it must be presumed that while the methods and
extent of searches may vary, any search for records made under
FOIA must be carried out in good faith.
you for contacting this office. I hope that I have been of
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
of Information Advisory Opinion 11 (2008)(citing Chapter 9.1
of Title 23 of the Code of Virginia (setting forth the statutes
regarding the University) and Freedom of Information Advisory
Opinion 1 (2000)(regarding the definition of in the transaction
of public business)).
2Note that if you have questions regarding federal
FOIA, you may wish to direct your inquiry to the Office of
Government Information Services at the National Archives (http://www.archives.gov/ogis/,
last visited November 19, 2010). The United States Department
of Justice also provides resources regarding open government
at the federal level on its website at http://www.justice.gov/open/
(last visited November 19, 2010).
to subsection F of § 2.2-3704, a public
body may make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual
cost incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or
searching for the requested records. [Emphasis
4Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 21
51983-1984 Op. Atty. Gen. Va. 436.
situations sometimes occur where no search is necessary, such
as when a request is mistakenly directed to the wrong agency,
or the agency has destroyed all copies of the requested records
according to their retention schedule under the Public Records
Act as evidenced by a certificate of destruction.
Burton v. Mann, 74 Va. Cir. 471 (Loudoun County 2008).
Radio-TV Corporation v. City Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, 216 Va. 892, 895, 223 S.E.2d 895, 898 (1976).