14 , 2007
Southeastern Public Service Authority
Chesapeake, Virginia
The staff of the Freedom of Information Advisory Council is
authorized to issue advisory opinions. The ensuing staff advisory
opinion is based solely upon the information presented in
your electronic mail of February 7, 2007.
Ms. Saunders:
You have asked whether a public body may
charge for non-legal staff time spent to redact exempt portions
of a requested record. You prefaced your question with the
understanding that a public body may not charge for any legal
review of documents by in-house counsel or outside attorneys.
speaking, the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) presumes
that responding to a request for records is a ministerial
act. Subsection F of § 2.2-3704 allows a public body
to make reasonable charges not to exceed its actual cost
incurred in accessing, duplicating, supplying, or searching
for the requested records. Therefore the charges assessed
to a requester may include fees for staff time spent accessing,
duplicating, supplying, or searching for the requested records.
Subdivision B 3 of § 2.2-3704 provides that [w]hen
a portion of a requested record is withheld, the public body
may delete or excise only that portion of the record to which
an exemption applies and shall release the remainder of the
record. This subdivision demonstrates that FOIA has taken
into account situations where a public body may respond to
a request by supplying portions of records while redacting
other portions of the same records. Construing subsection
F and subdivision B 3 together, a public body may charge for
staff time spent redacting portions of records as part of
the actual cost of supplying the records.1 It is generally
presumed that administrative or support staff will perform
the actual tasks of reviewing the records and physically redacting
exempt portions thereof, and that any charges for staff time
will be made at the corresponding rates of said administrative
or support staff. Additionally, it is understood that in most
situations staff reviews the records to determine which portions,
if any, are exempt, and at the same time performs the physical
acts necessary to redact the records (covering up or otherwise
excising exempt portions, making additional copies, etc.).
This type of review and redaction is part of supplying the
records to the requester, and the public body may charge for
the actual staff time involved. Review and redaction in this
sense occur simultaneously as part of the same activity; the
public body is not entitled to charge for two separate events
where the review is conducted apart from the redaction.
By contrast,
the first published opinion from this office addressed the
question of whether the cost of legal review of requested
materials may be considered a legitimate part of the cost
of producing the record under FOIA.2 The opinion expressed
that FOIA appears to preclude a charge for the legal review
of requested materials because such a charge would be an intermediary
fee to recoup the general costs associated with transacting
the general business of the public body.3 In order to
differentiate between this type of legal review and redaction
performed by staff, the type of legal review contemplated
as disallowed is where a public body charges some additional
amount to have an attorney review the request and response,
based on the attorney's fees or hourly rate, on top of any
charges for staff time and other actual costs involved in
processing the request. Subsection F of § 2.2-3704 states
that [n]o public body shall impose any extraneous, intermediary
or surplus fees or expenses to recoup the general costs associated
with creating or maintaining records or transacting the general
business of the public body. It follows, therefore, that
a public body may not charge to have an attorney review or
double-check responses to FOIA requests when such a review
charge is not a necessary part of accessing, duplicating,
supplying, or searching for the requested records, but is
instead part of the general business of the public body.
An additional consideration is that charges
must be reasonable. Only a court can make a binding determination
of what is reasonable in any particular circumstance. However,
as a general rule, it does not seem reasonable for a public
body to charge a requester to have an attorney double-check
a response in addition to charging the staff time involved
in initially processing the request. Similarly, if an attorney
was to do the work of staff, including the initial review
and physical redaction, it would not appear reasonable to
charge attorneys' rates for work typically performed by administrative
or support staff. There may be particular circumstances where
such a charge is reasonable,4 if there is some reason why the
work must be performed by an attorney rather than by staff,
but such circumstances would be exceptional. In most situations,
if a public body chooses to have an attorney review FOIA requests
and responses, it may do so, but should do so at its own expense,
or charge no more than it would charge to have administrative
or support staff perform the same work.
Thank you for contacting this office. I
hope that I have been of assistance.
J.K. Everett
Executive Director
office is aware of a letter opinion from the Circuit Court
of Amherst County issued June 7, 2005 wherein the judge stated
that Code § 2.2-3704(F) does not grant a public body
the authority for charging for the costs of reviewing or redacting
records. This simply is not in the statute nor is there any
implication from the statute that this can be recovered.
This office respectfully disagrees with this aspect of the
opinion of the Court concerning redaction fees, for the reasons
stated in this advisory opinion.
2Freedom of Information Advisory Opinion 1 (2000).
4For example, if the requested records contained
portions subject to a mandatory prohibition from release found
outside of FOIA, but also included portions that were open
to public disclosure, and legal review was therefore needed
to ensure that the public body violated no prohibitions in
responding to the request. In such a circumstance it could
prove more efficient and less costly overall to simply have
an attorney perform the review and redaction. |